Polystyrene Block Printing!

This half term in art we have been learning about different methods of creating prints. We learnt about William Morris and then created our own water inspired print using quarter of a polystyrene pizza base! First we had to draw our design before colouring it in with felt tip pen. Then we sprayed the printing block with water and used it to print! We had to repeat the process 4 times to create a complete circle.

Here are some of our artworks. We are very proud of them!

Homework – 10.11.23

This week I have added a reading lesson for homework on Reading Eggs. Please also read with a grown up at least 4 times this week and write it in your reading record as well as practising your times tables.

Also, when we were visited by Firefighter Rob this week, he challenged us to learn our full address. Please practise this over the week. We will see if we can remember our addresses next Friday.