Online Learning

Hi Pimhill,
Just to let you know that Mrs Foster has uploaded some lovely activities for you to complete at home onto your class Teams. You will need to log in using the account details given to you by school. Once you are logged into your teams, you need to click on ‘Teams’ on the left had side and make sure you are on ‘Pimhill’, then you will find the work for you by clicking on your year page for example – ‘Reception’ under ‘Channels’.
I will be contactable on teams to help with anything with your home learning.
We hope you enjoy the activities.
Miss Lloyd-Jones

Tea Party – 18th May

To mark the upcoming wedding of Prince Harry and Meghan Markle and celebrate British Values, we will be holding a Tea Party on Friday 18th May.

Parents should provide a small plate of party food for pupils to eat and share at the tea party!

Pupils should make a special crown for homework and bring it into school ready for the celebration!

Pimhill class will be on a school trip to Cosford on that day, so will not need to bring a plate of food, but they are still encouraged to make crowns for the special day!