A Prayer for the New Year

God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ,
whose years never fail
and whose mercies are new each returning day:
let the radiance of your Spirit renew our lives,
warming our hearts and giving light to our minds;
that we may pass the coming year
in joyful obedience and firm faith;
through him who is the beginning and the end,
your Son, Christ our Lord,
who is alive and reigns with you,
in the unity of the Holy Spirit,
one God, now and for ever.


Happy New Year Grinshill Class

Happy New Year Grinshill  class

Welcome back to a new term!

PE Days

First half term: Year 3s Monday and Friday (swimming on Monday so need to come in PE kit and bring swimming kit)  year 4s Monday and Friday

Second half term: Monday (year 4 swimming, so come to school in PE kit and bring swimming kit) Year 3s Tuesday and Friday


Homework will continue to be handed out on a Friday and due in the following Wednesday.

I have included a weekly timetable, this is subject to change as the week goes on.

Spring 2025 Timetable

I have also included the subject overview for the term.

Parent overview sheet planning Spring 2025 Grinshill

Thank you

Mrs Roberts and Miss Lloyd-Jones

Bomere Heath Stars of the Half Term!

Here are the Stars of the Half Term –

Wrekin – Clara for being a wonderful Year 6 pupil – she embodies our values of trust and love, often giving up her own time to help other pupils and teachers. Clara has also really impressed Mr Field with her effort and application in class every single day!

Stiperstones- Mrs Quigley has been so proud of Elsie for her great efforts all round and showing our school values at all times – she is kind, hard-working and shows respect to all.

Grinshill – Mrs Roberts and Miss Lloyd-Jones have been proud of Joe for showing many of our school values including perseverance. Joe is always kind and brings a smile to everyone’s faces all around the school.

Haughmond – Austin has really impressed Miss Reese and Mrs Pearce with his calm and sensible attitude and his excellent work in class! We are all very proud of Austin for his maturity and kindness.

Pimhill – Mrs Foster and Mrs Jones thought long and hard as they have been very pleased with many of the children. Hugo has ‘blown us out of the water’ with his great work and responsible attitude – he is doing very well in class!


Safety on Social Media

This guide provides expert advice on helping children and young people to use social media responsibly.

With social media’s ever-growing popularity among children and young people, it’s important for adults to keep themselves apprised of the associated risks and help youngsters to navigate these platforms in a safe, responsible manner.

However, it can be difficult to know exactly how to protect children and young people while they use these apps. This free guide offers you expert tips on supporting youngsters to enjoy the features of social media while avoiding the risks.

Top Tips for Safety Over the Festive Season

The holiday season is a time for celebration, relaxation and spending well-earned time with loved ones. While this period will hopefully be calm, it’s important that parents and educators acknowledge there are still things we can do to make these weeks as safe as possible for the young people in our care.

Of course, it’s not immediately obvious what can or should be done to stay safe over the festive season. This free guide offers expert advice on the steps you can take to enjoy a less fraught winter break, safeguarding any youngsters who might be present for the celebrations.