
The Admissions Policy can be found here:

Shropshire Council, as Local Authority (L.A.), is the admissions authority for the school. Since Autumn 1999 all Shropshire maintained primary, infant and junior schools, for which the L.A. is the admissions authority, have followed a standardised procedure. An online application form and information is available to parents in October each year for children who are due to commence school in the following academic year. All parents are advised that it is in their own best interests to confirm in writing, using the L.A. application form, what their preference for a school place is, regardless of whether they opt for the nearest school, or one further away.

The forms should be completed online. Full details of the policy, together with information about the arrangements for admission, are set out in the “Parents’ Guide to Education in Shropshire”. Copies of this booklet are held in school for the reference of interested parents, in local libraries, and are available on request from the Admissions Team, Education Services Directorate, Shirehall, Abbey Foregate, Shrewsbury, SY2 6ND. Any specific requests for information on admissions should be directed to the Admissions Team on Tel: 0345 678 9008.

The admission arrangements 2023/24 for community and voluntary controlled schools in the Shropshire local authority area were determined by Shropshire Council Cabinet on 16 February 2022.

A copy of the arrangements have been published on our website at:

Also, please find the updated Parent’s Guide for 2022/23 here:

Please find a link to the Shropshire Council website for Applying for school places here:

The admissions criteria which will be used to determine the allocation of a school place will be as follows, in order of priority:
Shropshire Council’s Infant, primary and junior admissions criteria

Priority 1
Looked After Children and previously Look After Children.

Priority 2
Children living within the catchment area. Firstly to children who will have an older sibling at the school on the day they are due to start there and then to other children who live in the catchment area. You can find out what catchment area you live in by searching for your postcode on Shropshire’s mapping system and selecting “Primary Catchment” from the menu.

Priority 3
Children living outside the catchment area. Any places left will be offered firstly to children who will have an older sibling at the school on the day they are due to start there. Secondly, to other children who live outside the catchment area.
If in any of the above groups there are more applications than places available, priority will be based on distance. This will be measured as a straight line, from home to school on a computerised mapping system. The shortest distance being given priority.
Priority due to exceptional circumstances:
Very exceptionally where a child has a particular health reason requiring them to attend a specific school, that child may be given a place before any of the children who qualify under Priority 2 and 3. This will only be allowed if parents/carers can provide medical evidence that attending that particular school is essential to the medical well-being of their child. The council reserves the right to check the relevance of the medical condition.

Mid-Term Admissions

To change your child’s school to a Shropshire school you should complete the midterm/in year application form and send it to your preferred school.
There are guidance notes to help completing the form.
A detailed explanation of this is in the primary school section of the Parents’ Guide to Education in Shropshire.