Ofsted & Results

We are very proud of our school, staff, pupils and their achievements. Below you can read statistical information and official reports relating to our school.


Ofsted make regular inspections of schools, the reports they compile can be found on our page of their website below.  We were inspected in September 2022 and given a ‘Good’ rating. Bomere Heath Ofsted Report 2022

Ofsted: Bomere Heath CE Primary School Ofsted Reports

School Performance Tables

The Department for Education publishes a wide range of data about our school. Information on test data, children’s progress, our intake and a range of other figures.
Bomere Heath CE Primary School Performance Tables


As a Church of England school we regularly undergo a SIAMS inspection.  We were inspected during July 2017 and are delighted that the outcome was ‘Good’ and that the inspector pointed out so many positive aspects of our work in school.

You can find the results of our inspection by following the link below.

SIAMS Bomere Heath

School Results

Key Stage 2 Summer 2024 

We had 12 children who worked really hard for their tests this year (each child 8.3%)

% of Pupils achieving the expected standard or above in;

(National levels are in brackets)

Reading 75% (74)
Writing 75% (72)
Mathematics  25% (73)
Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling 83% (72)
% of pupils achieving the high score (greater depth) in;
Reading 25% (29)
Writing 0% (13.3)
Mathematics 8% (23.8)
Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling 25%
The average scaled score of pupils in their end of key stage 2 assessments;
Reading 104
Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling 102.4
Mathematics 96.8
The percentage of pupils achieving the expected standard in reading, writing and mathematics at the end of key stage 2
School –25% National –60% (2023)
The percentage of pupils achieving GDS at the end of key stage 2
School –8% National – 8% (2023)


Phonics – Year 1

87% of our children achieved the phonics threshold – significantly higher than the national picture.  Nationally 80.4% achieved the phonics threshold in 2024.


Good Level of Development – Early Years

Our children have a fabulous start in our reception class.  This year 75% of our children reached the expected standard which is above with the national figure of 67.7%.

The requirement for formal assessments in Year 2 has been scrapped from this year.  There are assessments in each year at school,  but without the statutory requirement for Year 2 SATs, there is no publishable data.  All data from assessments informs teacher judgements, which is reported on your child’s report and there is no requirement to publish any other data.

You can read our school results for previous years, both Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2 in the performance tables above.  Note; The government did not publish Key Stage 2 school level data for 2021-2022 academic year.  The last available public data is from the 2018-2019 academic year.  It is important to note that the data from that year cannot be compared to subsequent years (post covid).