During the Autumn Term of 2020 we had a consultation with parents and pupils about the proposed change of uniform. This followed a request from our pupil council.
As confirmed with existing pupils and parents earlier in the year, we will be changing to the new uniform starting in September 2020. We do realise that there may need to be a transition period to allow parents to purchase the uniform, but expect that by the following September (2021), all pupils will be wearing it.
The logo uniform is available from School Shop Direct – other options are detailed below. The uniform is on display in the school foyer.
Sweatshirt – V-necked navy blue with school logo or cardigan – V-necked navy blue with school logo
Tie – blue with red stipes (this is part of the uniform, not an optional extra) – elasticated for Reception and Year 1, clip-on for all older year groups
PE polo top – navy blue with red and school logo
PE Shorts – navy blue
There is also a navy blue fleecy showerproof coat with logo available as an option to purchase if you require, and a navy blue fleecy zip-up top with logo that can be worn for PE in cold weather. Both of these are for outdoor wear only, not as a replacement for a school sweatshirt.
These items are available ONLY from School Shop Direct.
Shirt/blouse – sky blue, no logo, long or short sleeved –available from School Shop Direct or other suppliers.
Dark Grey School trousers /skirts /pinafores are available from School shop Direct or other suppliers.
Socks/Tights to be plain navy blue or white
Shoes – black for school wear; trainers to be worn for PE only.
If you do not wish to purchase the school logo sweatshirt/ cardigan, pupils may wear plain V-necked navy blue jumpers or V-necked navy blue cardigans, but ALL are expected to wear the school tie.
If you do not wish to purchase our new PE kit pupils must have a plain navy blue t-shirt and navy blue shorts for PE.
If your child is eligible for free school meal funding and you require support in the purchase of uniform, please let school know.
Provision of an apron for art/craft, or an old large shirt, would be advantageous for children in Years 3 to 6. Waterproof aprons are provided for younger children.
Watches may be worn, but school cannot take responsibility for these or other valuable items. Studded sleepers for children with pierced ears are permitted but for safety reasons these must be removed or covered during PE lessons, by the children themselves. No other jewellery is appropriate in school.
- Cardigan and Fleece (will have logo)
- Shirt, tie and jumper
- Waterproof Coat with logo
- Cardigan
- PE Shirt (will have logo)
Buying Uniform
School Shop Summer opening details
You can find out more about buying uniform on the uniform shop page of our Parents’ Area: