
At Bomere Heath C.E. Primary School children follow a two year rolling programme of topics. The follow a skills based curriculum where they have the opportunity to explore their topic across the curriculum.

Bomere Heath Curriculum Information

‘With God all things are possible’ Matthew 19:26

Our school nurtures all pupils and those in our school community to flourish as individuals; educationally, spiritually and morally, promoting Christian values through the experience we offer to all. Our core Christian values are Hope, Love and Respect

Please read our Curriculum Intent Statement for general information about our Curriculum!

Please see our Planning page for information about each class and their planning cycle!

For information about SEND, Equality or Remote Learning, please see the Policies page.

Full details of the National Curriculum can be found at:

More specific details of our curriculum, progression documentation and other relevant downloads can be found on our lesson planning page:

Lesson Planning