Welcome to Haughmond Class
Hello Haughmond Class, we hope you have had a brilliant summer and that you are ready and raring to come back to school. We have lots of exciting things to look forward to this term!
Have a look at our timetable to see what we will be getting up to throughout the week. Our P.E. days this term are Friday and Thursday with Mr Bevan, please come to school in PE kit on those days. If your child wears earrings, please take them out, or cover them, on these days.
A few reminders; please ensure all school uniform, coats and bags are labelled clearly with your name. Water bottles will be needed each day in school, with a name on please.
Autumn Term Timetable Haughmond
Our topic this term is ‘Superheroes’. We will be learning about significant people from the past and locally, to find out more click on the link below.
Haughmond Class Topic Map Autumn Term
If you have any queries, questions or worries please feel free to catch us on the gate or email us to arrange a chat.
Please find the knowledge organisers for subjects this term below. The knowledge organisers will tell you what the children will be learning and some key vocabulary they will encounter this term. I hope you find these helpful, please let us know if there is anything you would like to discuss.
Miss Reese and Mrs Pearce
Links to Online Resources and Apps
Curriculum Planning
Autumn Term year 1 materials1_2
Sculpture Antony Gormley haughmond