Homework 28th January 2022

Today in class we have been thinking about how we could welcome Caleb, the refugee in our story, to the UK. For homework this week I think it would be nice for you to write a welcome message to a real refugee arriving in the UK.

You can do this at Refugee Council Welcome Messages

If you would like to, you can take a screenshot or copy and paste your message and send it into school so that I can see it too.

Year 2 Spelling Focus w/b 1st November 2021

This week in their spelling lessons, Year Two will be focusing on common exception words. Common exception words are words that do not follow the common phonetic spelling rules children learn in Year 1 and Year 2. These are also called tricky words or sight words as you must learn to recognise them, and can’t sound them out. They aren’t decodable using the normal rules and letter-sounds in phonics.

The words they will be focusing on include:

  • again
  • busy
  • Christmas
  • cold
  • eye
  • fast
  • father
  • old
  • parents
  • poor
  • pretty
  • wild

The children will not be tested on these spellings, but we will be looking for application of them in their writing.