Pimhill R.E. 24th March 2020

Remind yourself of the Easter story. You could use this video to help https://www.bbc.co.uk/teach/class-clips-video/religious-studies-ks1-the-christian-story-of-easter/zhgv47h

Then, I would like you to create an Easter Card, using some of the symbols we have talked about that show the ‘true’ meaning of Easter. When you have completed your card, think about who you could give it to. If you want to post it to school we can then send it out to brighten up the day for people in the community who might not have any visitors at the moment.

Tuesday 24th March

Good Morning!

Today our learning is going to include English, Maths and R.E.

How about starting your day joining in with Joe Wicks’ P.E. lesson at https://www.youtube.com/user/thebodycoach1/featured. If you can’t join in with his live lesson, there are plenty of workout activities designed especially for children to carry out at home.


  • Keep on practising your spellings. Use these as a way to practise your handwriting by writing each word five times.
  • Think back to our visit to Chirk Castle. In your books write a TripAdvisor style review of the castle. Here is an example of a review looks like.

  • Reading Eggs. Today I would like you to complete the next lesson on your maps.
  • Education City – Phonics. Please carry on with the activities from yesterday.


  • Times Tables Rockstars. I would like you to spend at least 10 minutes practising your tables.
  • If you want some extra maths to do, the test you did on Education City yesterday should have created a revision guide just for you. You can do some of these activities whenever you like.


Remind yourself of the Easter story. You could use this video to help https://www.bbc.co.uk/teach/class-clips-video/religious-studies-ks1-the-christian-story-of-easter/zhgv47h

Then, I would like you to create an Easter Card, using some of the symbols we have talked about that show the ‘true’ meaning of Easter. When you have completed your card, think about who you could give it to. If you want to post it to school we can then send it out to brighten up the day for people in the community who might not have any visitors at the moment.


Today’s recommendation for Audible is Rudyard Kipling’s Just So Story – How the Camel got his Hump.

Keep up the good work!

Mrs Gregory

Monday 23rd March 2020

Good Morning!

I hope you’ve all had a lovely weekend.

Today our learning is going to include English, Maths and Science.


  • Practise your new spellings. These are in the spellings section of our class website page. Write a sentence for each word. Remember to think about how you have formed your letters and what punctuation you need.
  • Reading Eggs. I have set you a Storyland lesson, which has a number of different activities to complete.
  • Education City. In the Homework section, click on you phonics city. In there are a series of activities. These activities are all the phonics activities for this week, so think carefully about spreading them out.


  • Education City. To start with this week I have set you a small test. Once you have completed it, it will give you some extra activities linked to how you did.
  • Times Tables Rockstars. A new battle has begun today and will last until Friday. See how many points you can get! I would like you to spend at least 10 minutes practising your tables. Remember that you can also challenge the teachers!


  • Education City. Officially it is now Spring, so it is time to look at the seasonal changes again. There are some sequenced activities for you to complete in the Science City. If you can’t print out the activity sheet, then you can draw the trees on paper or in your book.
  • As some extra, look at the different habitats we have learnt about and draw a picture or do some writing about how they have changed from Winter to Spring. The habitats we have investigated are woodland, coastal and we also looked at the Arctic and Antarctic to see how they change throughout the year.

Also, Audible (www.audible.co.uk) have announced that they are making hundreds of stories free to listen to while we are closed. My recommendation for today is The Timeless Tales of Beatrix Potter. Mrs Tiggy-Winkle is my personal favourite.

Keep up the good work!

Mrs Gregory

Our School Closure Prayer

A daily prayer for you to share while we are closed.

Dear Lord,

The world feels a strange place right now.

Our classrooms are empty and it is hard to play with our friends.

At this time, please look after my friends, my family and the people in our community who live on their own.

Help us to remember that you are always there and that one day this will pass.


Washing our Hands

We have been learning about the importance of washing our hands with soap to fight off germs. We did an experiment with soap and peppery water to represent the germs and saw how the soap repelled the pepper (germs).


Easter Eggs

In R.E. we have been learning about symbolism associated with Easter, including finding out about why we have Easter eggs. We decorated our own eggs to put on our prayer tree for the Easter season. All of our eggs included the cross as we decided this was the most important symbol of Easter.