Wrekin Learning – Friday 19th June 2020

Good morning – it is the end of another week – we have four weeks of term left. Although it has been a long time since I’ve seen some of you (around 3 months), does it feel to you that in some ways time has gone quickly? I think that for those of you in regular routines and those completing your school work each day, the day might go a little bit quicker. What do you think?


Friday Work:


I hope you have a lovely weekend – the weather is due to brighten up before getting quite warm next week!


Mr F

Wrekin Learning – Thursday 18th June 2020

Good morning!


Some Year 6 pupils will be in class today – but I will continue to set your work online to keep your learning flowing!


I know that not all pupils are not coming in, but I hope that you and your parents have discussed the reasons why – it is a very unsure time at the moment, and the most important thing is children’s and families’ safety and happiness.


Here are the Thursday Thinkers:


Extra Challenges:


Have a good day all of you!


Mr F

Wrekin Learning – Wednesday 17th June 2020

Hello again Wrekin Class!


I am excited about the football restarting tonight! As you know, I really do love football and I know some of you do too. With football restarting it feels like some things are moving back towards ‘normality’ (even though there will be a new normal in the future!) What are you looking forward to returning or changing?

Furthermore, I know that some of you are returning to school during the next week. As I have said before, it is very different; the tables and chairs are spaced apart, lots of furniture has been removed to make space, the teachers have an area at the front of the class which is marked out and you have to line up 2m apart. I am sure that you will get used to it, but it is worth thinking about now. For those not returning, the school work will still be on the website and I will be in contact with you!


Some work for Wednesday: (the Y5 video won’t show on this page for some reason today but will open on another tab- sorry!)


Extra Challenges:


Have a good day Wrekin!


Mr Field

Wrekin Learning – Tuesday 16th June 2020

Bonjour Wrekin!


Well – did you have a really good thunderstorm on Sunday? We did! Apparently there are more forecast today – I find them very exciting and watch and listen at the window for them. This is how they are formed:  https://www.bbc.co.uk/weather/features/28841751


So, let’s get to work!


Extra Challenges


Have a great day, Mr Field

Wrekin Learning – Monday 15th June 2020

Good morning!


It was lovely to see some classrooms with children in last week when several Reception pupils returned. Year 1 pupils are welcomed back today! Later in the week, I am really looking forward to seeing some of the Year 6s!


The classroom is very different: there is less furniture, nothing out on the tables, the desks are spaced 2m apart and there are some markings on the floor. I have been thinking about your transition to Year 7 – so please start thinking about questions you want to ask and any worries you might have!


Anyway, here is some work today:



Extra Challenges:



Have a great day!


Mr F

Wrekin Learning – Friday 12th June 2020

Good morning Wrekin – I hope you have enjoyed the homework this week – it looks like a wet weekend I’m afraid – but I do wish it warm up!


Work for today:



Extra Challenge:


I have been watching Springwatch during the last few weeks and they have been showing some beavers which have been released in the south of England (Cornwall). More beavers are being released in Devon. My challenge to you is to do a factfile about Beavers and the effects they have on their environment – it may surprise you! Please send them in!


Mr F

Wrekin Learning – Thursday 11th June 2020

Hi there everyone!


I am in school today as we are opening to the Reception pupils. It is really nice to welcome children back, and I look forward to seeing more pupils in school over the next few weeks. School will be quite different to what the Reception students remember, as we have to follow lots of special rules about social distancing and hygiene. Children have to wash their hands regularly and they must try to keep a safe distance apart.


Here is some work for today:



Extra Challenges:



Have a fab day,


Mr Field


Wrekin Learning – Wednesday 10th June 2020

Good morning to all of you and your families!


Don’t forget about the extra challenges each day posted at the bottom of the page!


Have you noted that the football season restarts one week from today? And, of course, the first match will feature the most wonderful of all teams: Aston Villa! The good news is that around 30 of the 90 remaining matches will be on ‘free-to-air’ broadcasts on channels such as BBC, Sky Pick and Amazon Prime.


For those of you not interested in football, there are a range of other sports creeping back towards their own restarts. Maybe soon you can start playing sports again too! I have one piece of sporting news from the class: Ellie ran 8 miles this week with her father! For a 10-year-old this is an amazing achievement – well done Ellie! Maybe she can represent the school in cross-country next year!


Here are some learning activities for today:


Extra Challenges



I hope you all have a lovely day!


Mr Field!