Wrekin Learning – Friday 15th May 2020

Hello Wrekin Class! It’s Friday! I just wanted to say a huge thank you to those who have sent in their examples of work. I have been very happy to receive them via email – you have obviously been working really hard! Well done and a massive thank you – it certainly gives me pride and pleasure!


It is literally so close to call in the TT Rock Stars Challenge! There is only 100 points between Y5 and Y6 – who will win this week to take the score to 2-1?


When I was your age, I was obsessed with aliens! I would read books about aliens, sightings and UFOs for hours. There is not so much discussion about it now – what do you think? Newsround – Aliens           Take the survey here!

So, some work for today then!

Anyway, have a good day – keep up your reading Wrekin class – it’s the most important aspect of learning!


Best wishes for the weekend, Mr F

Wrekin Learning – Thursday 14th May 2020

Good morning, I hope you are all well! It has been cooler over the last few days – I hope any vegetables you have been nurturing were safe, as there has been a frost and it will harm them quite a bit! Luckily for all of us, the temperatures should rise today and it will be rather pleasant by Sunday! Have a look at next week on BBC Weather.


We just love animals in Wrekin Class don’t we? Well, here is a great story about how one very special species is benefiting from the global situation https://www.bbc.co.uk/newsround/52618038


Today, I have set you a range of tasks:

  • Your first task is PSHE – I have been looking for PSHE activities for you to do at home, which you can learn and take forward with you into the summer holidays and secondary school. It is the most important lesson we do in many ways, so prioritise this today please! It is all about Making Decisions. There is a PowerPoint and two sheets – you don’t need to print them off, and the best way of doing them is with a grown-up – it should take about 15-20 minutes to read and discuss. LESSON Resource 1 Resource 2
  • In Year 5 Maths, you will be learning how to Compare and Order Fractions Y5 Thu Answers Y5 Thu Worksheet



  • In English, you will be Writing a Recount. Some of you have been adapting your work to write about what is important to you, rather than what is suggested in the lesson – this is a good idea!

I hope you can maybe get the sun on your face outside today too – I know my tomato plants could do with a sunbathe! They look a little sad after a few cold days!


Have a fab day! Stay safe, stay smiling!


Mr F


Wrekin Learning – Wednesday 13th May 2020

Good morning everyone! I hope you are all feeling calm and happy today.


Some rules around lockdown change today. Newsround explain them here.


So, some learning for today:

  • And in Science you can revise a recent topic from class work Adaptation
  • Don’t forget Fiction Express and TTRS!

Have a lovely day, Mr Field

Wrekin Learning – Tuesday 12th May 2020

Hello one and all! I hope you enjoyed writing your reports yesterday. I was pleased to receive some excellent examples from you – thank you very much!


The Year 6s are just ahead of the Year 5s in the most recent TTRS Battle. Who will win?


You may have seen the Prime Minister on TV in the last few days announcing new steps around the Covid 19 lockdown. It can be very hard for you to understand some of the ‘political language’ so here is a super guide from Newsround.


And in some other news related to the virus and its effects, Newsround has published some research about children’s sleep during lockdown. Please read it. How is your sleep lately?


Work for today then:

  • You all want to be powerful politicians or Head Boy / Girl of The Corbet don’t you? Well, the good news is that you are writing a powerful speech in English to help you get started!
  • As you will know, we have done lots of thinking about pollution, and in particular, plastics. Here is a Geography lesson to help you understand a bit more about sustainability and plastics.


Have a great day!


Mr Field!

Wrekin Learning – Monday 11th May 2020

Good morning! I hope you had a pleasant Bank Holiday weekend, including celebrating VE Day on Friday!


Did anyone see the Red Arrows flying over London? It was amazing!


Here are some learning activities for you today:



Have a fab day,



Wrekin Learning – Thursday 7th May 2020

Good morning Wrekin class!


I hope you are all well and feeling safe and happy. I will set your work today in maths and then a small project about VE Day – which hopefully you will be celebrating in some way tomorrow! I am setting fewer subjects so you can focus on understanding VE Day – the government thinks it is very important so dedicated tomorrow to it (Bank Holiday). It’s just a shame that we can’t hold street parties and parades. If you know somebody in your family or close to your family who was alive on VE Day, why not give them a call and ask them about it!


So, your links today:

I will not be setting work on VE Day/Bank Holiday, but if you feel inspired, please continue to work on your VE Day project.


Best wishes, enjoy finding out about VE Day!


Mr F

Wrekin Learning – Wednesday 6th May 2020

Good morning! I hope you enjoyed the sunshine yesterday. I also hope you managed to have a go at designing a fitness plan, which I could share with the class.


The weather will be even warmer today, so make sure you get your sun cream on if you are out!


The coronavirus has affected many businesses, but one type of business which is really struggling is zoos. Here is an interesting article about how zoos are copinghttps://www.bbc.co.uk/newsround/52483218


So, some work for the day:


Have a lovely day everyone. Is anybody growing anything? Let me know!


Mr F

Wrekin Learning – Tuesday 5th May 2020

Bonjour! Bonjour!


I do hope that all of you and your families are feeling happy and safe. There’s good news this week: that lovely warm sunshine will return! https://www.bbc.co.uk/weather/sy4. But be warned – Sunday will be rather chilly for this time of the year – just 9 degrees!


  • Joe Wicks, as you may know, has had another operation on his wrist/hand. This has meant that his wife has been helping him – basically, Joe does all the talking and Rosie does the demonstration – it works well! https://www.youtube.com/user/thebodycoach1
  • At a local school, one of the teachers has been challenging the pupils to do a series of workout/exercise plans. For example, doing a 1km walk, 50 star jumps, 20 squats, 10 minutes on a  trampoline and planking for 1 minute on Day 1, then increasing this during the week. So, my challenge to you is to create an exercise plan for a day, then send it to me and I can then post them on this website, to share with your friends! Can you come up with a brilliant exercise plan?
  • English today is all about prepositions and a fun session about personification.
  • Year 5 maths is multiplying 4-digit by 2-digit numbers, and Year 6 is ordering fractions.
  • And, in Geography, here is a lesson I think is very interesting about global trade and activity for all of you budding entrepreneurs out there!

Please make time to stop and think about how you feel and if you have any worries. Please talk to your parents and carers. Some of you are staying in touch, I know, by using video calling and gaming platforms, which is fantastic (but remember your -e-safety rules!). If you want some advice or read about something to help your worries or anxiety visit this site from Childline. As an extra activity, if you want to come up with a ‘5 top tips’ poster, I’d love to see them, and I can share them on here so you can help your friends!


Have a good day, enjoy a bit of sunshine!


Mr F