Creative Work at School

Whilst enjoying the weather, we have decided to brighten up a corner of the playground by using chalks to create a pattern – we used masking tape to create a geometric pattern and coloured each section during the morning!

I am sure that you will agree it looks fantastic!


Stiperstones and Wrekin Work Wednesday 25th March 2020

EDIT: Sorry everyone – this should be live now – there was a technical issue!

Good morning – it was a great day for sunshine yesterday and today promises to be good too! Remember that going out into the garden and getting fresh air and sunshine is really important at the moment!

Here are some activities today:

Have a good day


Mr Field

Stiperstones Pupil Work Tuesday 24th March

The weather will be pretty good outside today, so make sure you spend some time in the sun in your garden – you could find some bugs, make a bug hotel (search on Google for some great ideas) or help your parents with some spring tidying.

Anyway – onto some work! I have given Stiperstones some similar work to Wrekin today – the subtraction is a good challenge for Year 4 pupils – but if it is too hard, please don’t worry. Remember to ‘carry’ if you need to!

Here you go:

Have a good day, Mr F 😉

Wrekin Pupil Work – Tuesday 24th March 2020

Wow – Well done to everyone who completed the online work yesterday! Most of the class completed the Spelling Lesson, Comprehension and Maths on Education City – I am so pleased!

I do hope you have all been able to complete the long multiplication and checked your answers too!

The weather will be pretty good outside today, so make sure you spend some time in the sun in your garden – you could find some bugs, make a bug hotel (search on Google for some great ideas) or help your parents with some spring tidying.

Anyway – onto some work! Here you go:

  • 9am – try out Joe Wicks again
  • English – Spelling Lesson 146 and Comprehension 142 – find these on Reading Eggspress
  • Maths – tackle subtraction today! Log in to espresso and have a go at this sheet Espresso KS2 Maths – Subtracting from 6 digit numbers (The login is student 26770, password is bomere) I’ll post answers later!
  • Next – for some written work in your exercise books – use this BBC Bitesize – Easter and complete a fact-file about Easter from a Christian perspective – make it look fantastic – this is an opportunity for some good writing and pictures, fact boxes and interesting layout!
  • Do the Daily Challenge on Espresso Espresso Daily Challenge – record this in your books

Have a good day, Mr F 😉


Spellings w/c 23rd March 2020

Year 5

Convert nouns or adjectives into verbs using the suffix -ify


Year 6

Word families based on common words, showing how words are related in form and meaning


Stiperstones Pupil Work Monday 23rd March

Good Morning Stiperstones!

I have put some work onto Education City for you today –

  • Apostrophes
  • Decimal Fractions

Also please remember to do the following:

  • Reading – at least 30 minutes per day
  • 9am – Joe Wickes Body Coach TV (YouTube) is hosting a free, live PE lesson at 9am – search him on YouTube!

I hope you have a good day, Mr Field

Pupil Work Monday 23rd March 2020

Good morning class! I hope you have had a relaxing weekend – the weather was really sunny for you!

  • PE – 9am – Workout with Joe! log onto Joe Wickes’ YouTube Channel and complete his workout live!
  • Please remember to complete all of your ‘Daily Tasks’ which are listed in your exercise book.
  • Let’s focus on calculation this week. Remind yourself about long multiplication with this video. Then complete task on Education City before solving these:
  • Answers will be posted later!
  • Use this website for at least 20 minutes to sharpen your square numbers and division skills
  • In English, please do Reading Eggspress Spelling Lesson 145 and Reading Comprehension 147

Have a good day – Mr F 🙂