Spag Monsters

This week your children will bring home a log in for SPAG MONSTERS.

We are trialling this, so would be great to know what you think.

The children were excited when I showed them today. It will help them with spellings, grammar and punctuation.

Any problems let me know,

Thank you

Mrs Quigley

Healthy Helpers

Today, the school council members from Healthy Helpers carried out a Health and Safety audit of the school.

They walked around the entire school with the caretaker Mr Jones and Chair of governors Keith Lister. They made sure the school was safe and identified any issues that may need addressing. The children were very thorough and carried out their roles fantastically.


Welcome to Stiperstones class

Welcome back to a new school year. I hope you have had a great summer break.

This year we will be learning about ‘The Ancient Maya’. We will also be going on a school trip this term as well, more information to follow.

Below is a link to tell you more about what your child will be learning this term.

Ancient Maya

PE days are Thursday and Friday.

Homework will be given out on a Friday and due in the following Wednesday. It will be a mixture of online work and activities in homework books. Times tables will be a big focus in year 4 and 5, so daily practise on tables will really help your child. Children will be bringing home reading books this week with new reading records. It is really important for children to still read aloud to a grown up, pet dog, sibling or even via zoom to a grandparent!

Please remind your child to bring a water bottle to school, with only water in it please.

Miss Steadman and Mrs Oxford are also in Stiperstones class and we are all really looking forward to this year!

Any questions please ask.

Mrs Quigley – Class Teacher