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Friday 19th June

Good Morning Pimhill,

I hope you have managed to stay dry from all the rain this week.

Finish off the last sessions from White Rose and Oak Academy.

I hope you have all managed to make something for your dad’s or grandad’s this week. Here are a few fun things you can make for them.

Medals to colour and cut.

Certificates to write and colour.

A book about dad.

A poem for Dad.

The poem would be good fun to write as it asks you to think of things your dad is as clever as, funny as, silly as, strong as and many other things. I am sure you could think of some good answers.

Have a good day and weekend.

Mrs Foster



Thursday 18th June

Good Morning Pimhill,

Its a very rainy day here in Ellesmere.

Continue with the White Rose Maths and Oak academy English from Monday.

I hope some of you managed to make Father’s Day cards yesterday, if not have a go today as its raining and you may have to stay inside.

Here is a link to an insert you can print and write .

Beware it will print lots of pages.

If you just want to colour something here are some Father’s Day cards to colour.

Tomorrow I will link medals and certificates you can make.

Have a great day

Mrs Foster.



Wednesday 17th June

Good morning Pimhill,

I hope you are all enjoying this weeks activities.

Continue with the Oak Academy English and Maths linked on Monday.

Reception you are working on instructions. Remember instruction tell you what to do.

Year 1 You are looking at space travel with your text.

So…….. On Sunday it is Father’s day I have found some instructions how to make a rocket fathers day card.

Some of you might like to make one for your Dad’s, you might need a bit of help.

Dad’s if you are helping them leave them to finish off at the end then it will be a surprise on Sunday!!

You can search for other ideas on twinkl if you don’t like this one. If you havent got a photo you could draw a picture of you and your dad in the rocket windows.

Tomorrow I will give you an insert and some ideas to help you write your card.

Mrs Foster.



Tuesday 16th June

Good morning Pimhill,

I hope you had a good day yesterday.

Continue with the Oak Academy English and white Rose maths that have been linked yesterday.

Year 1’s your story is all about space travel see if you can make a rocket.

Here are some ideas.

Reception your English is about bridges.

Of course if year 1’s fancy bridge building and Reception making a space rocket that’s just fine. Or you can come up with your own ideas.

Have a good day.

Mrs Foster

Monday 15th June

Good Morning Pimhill,

I hope you had a good weekend? Did you have a thunderstorm in Bomere Heath? We had a big one here in Ellesemere


Reception you are looking at bridges.

Year 1 you are off in to space reading the man on the moon

Maths follow this week’s plans on white rose.






Reception can you make patterns this week?

These challenges use Lego but you can you any blocks.

How many different coloured patterns can you make.

Year 1 here is a reading activity linked to space

Have fun.

Mrs Foster





Friday 12th June

Good Morning Pimhill,

Continue with the White Rose maths and Oak Academy English  English that I linked on Monday.

Yesterday you looked at what makes you different. Today we are going to think about what makes you special and what you are good at.

You are all special and I miss seeing you all.

You all having amazing talents. Are you a brilliant swimmer? Do you show great kindness to others? Are you great a football? I know some of you are learning to be chefs and making tasty food. Some of you are amazing at learning your spellings. Some of you are brilliant at being a good friends or brother and sister.

See if you can think what you are good at, if you are stuck ask someone in your house.

Why I am special

See if you can write why you are special

Have a lovely weekend.

Mrs Foster


Thursday 11th June

Good Morning Pimhill,

Continue with the white rose maths and Oak academy English that was linked on Monday.

Thinking about how we are all different, have a read of this story.

Have a go at drawing a picture of yourself.

this is me

if you dont want to draw perhaps you can write a poem.

this is me poem

Have a great Day.

Mrs Foster.

Wednesday 12th June

Hello Pimhill,

I hope you are well.

Continue with the White Rose Maths and Oak Academy English that are linked on Monday.

Year 1’s today its the lesson on a new punctuation mark an exclamation mark.

If you are finding it tricky have a look at this to help you.

Reception keep up your phonics. Here is another phonics game for you to try.

j,v,w,x,y,z,zz Read and Race Game

I know lots of you are going on lots of walks. here is an activity to do. Can you make a line on this scavenger hunt game. if you have brothers or sisters they might like to do it too.

scavenger hunt

Have a great day

Mrs Foster

Tuesday 9th June

Good Morning Pimhill

Continue with the Oak Academy English and white rose maths that I linked yesterday.

Year 1 Here is some more work on punctuation to help you think about which one to use at the end of a sentence. Parents please use the word ‘punctuation’ and beware the answers are linked to the worksheets if you print them out.


Here are some worksheets to help with handwriting for reception.


Have a great day

Mrs Foster



Monday 8th June

Good Morning Pimhill,

It’s Monday, I hope you all had a good weekend.

Here is the link to the Oak Academy English

Year 1 this is the story of the very noisy night. During the week you will learn about using exclamation marks. This is something we haven’t done in class so it would be good if you can complete the lessons.

Reception this is all about buses and journeys. I know it will appeal to lots of you.

Maths is from White Rose.

Here are all the worksheets that you will need for the week.





Reception here is a game to help you practice your phonics.

qu,ch,sh,th,ng Read and Race Game

Year 1 here is a game to practice your phonics

split digraph game

Have a great day

Mrs Foster



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