Please look out of your window to find the moon each night for the next month- shade the circles to keep a track of the phases of the moon!
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Wrekin Class Homework
Homework 29th November 2024
We hope you enjoyed out Ancient Greeks Day on Monday! To follow up our Museum in a Box artefact session we want you to look at these Ancient Greek Pots, answer the questions at the top of the page, then design your own pots!
Year 5 and 6 Homework
Please find attached the homework sheet for Year 5 and Year 6 (Year 4 homework will be sent separately!)
The sheets will be stuck into homework books and sent home.
Wrekin Homework
Wrekin Homework – 8/11/24 – Hand in BY next Thursday please!
20 minutes per day – please write in your Reading Diary!
Pick 20 words form the Y5/6 Spelling List! Learn them off by heart!
Science – Space Project
Do a research project on a planet – any of your choice. Your project should be a two-page spread with pictures, explanations and facts!
Wrekin Homework
Wrekin Homework – 13/9/24 – Hand in BY next Wednesday please!
Reading: 20 minutes per day – please write in your Reading Diary! Also- please complete the comprehension attached!
Maths: TTRS! Battle – Year 5 v Year 6! Then play Guardians of Mathematica
Year 5 and 6 Spelling Lists
Want to get a head start on learning Spellings this year?
Use this Spelling List and learn them as soon as possible!
Print it off and get going!
Spelling Test Practice
Click here to find audio Spelling test for Year 5 and 6!
Homework Summer Term
Homework will be stuck into the children’s homework book each week – it will be handed out on a Friday to be handed back by the following Thursday!
Children will win Class Dojo points for handing it in…and extra points for extra effort!
Mr Field
Wrekin Romans Homework
Look at the excellent Romans homework the pupils in Wrekin made over the holiday!
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