Class Trip

Wrekin class will be going on a Class Trip to Birmingham on Tuesday 5th June.

Mrs Foster will be taking the class (as Mr Field is away with Year 4 in Liverpool) with the Teaching Assistants.

In the morning the pupils will be visiting the iconic Birmingham Library and in the afternoon they will visit Singer’s Hill Synagogue.

Look out for a letter and consent form soon.

Tea Party – 18th May

To mark the upcoming wedding of Prince Harry and Meghan Markle and celebrate British Values, we will be holding a Tea Party on Friday 18th May.

Parents should provide a small plate of party food for pupils to eat and share at the tea party!

Pupils should make a special crown for homework and bring it into school ready for the celebration!

Pimhill class will be on a school trip to Cosford on that day, so will not need to bring a plate of food, but they are still encouraged to make crowns for the special day!

SATS – Year 6s

Good Luck!

Year Six pupils will be undertaking their SATs this week:


Monday 14th May 2018

English Paper 1: Spag Short Answer Questions

English Paper 2: Spelling

Tuesday 15th May 2018

English Reading Paper

Weds 16th May 2018

Maths Paper 1: Arithmetic Paper

Maths Paper 2: Reasoning Paper

Thursday 17th May 2018

Maths Paper 3: Reasoning




Deputy Headteacher Appointment

We are pleased to announce that Mrs Sallie Roberts has been appointed Deputy Headteacher from September 2018. We look forward to welcoming her to the school.

She will take over from Mr Stuart Field who will remain at the school as Year 5/6 teacher in Wrekin class.