
Based on our learning this week, these are the spellings to practice over the weekend.

improved thudded
spied dozed
mummified studied
replied flapped
multiplied tallied

We will have a test on Monday morning.

Kind regards,

Mrs Roberts

Spellings in Grinshill – w/c Tuesday 20th September 2022

This week we are concentrating on spelling rules.

  1. If the verb ends in two consonant letters the endings -ed and -ing are simply added on. eg. ask asked asking.
  2. If the final two letters are a single vowel followed by a sing consonant, double the last consonant before adding -ed or -ing. e.g. pat = patted/ patting or stop = stopped/ stopping, rub = rubbed/ rubbing , flap = flapped/ flapping, nod = nodded/ nodding.
  3. The y is changed to an ‘i’ before adding -ed BUT NOT -ing. e.g. reply= replied/ replying. spy = spied/ spying, marry = married/ marrying, fancy = fancied/ fancying, study = studied/ studying, worry = worried/ worrying.
  4. The -e at the end of the root word is dropped before adding -ing or -ed. e.g. bare = baring/ bared, care= caring/ cared, doze = dozing/ dozed, move = moving/ moved, place = placing/ placed, prove = proving/ proved, stare = staring/ stared.

The children will be practising these over the week, with a mini test on Friday. A selection of ten will be sent home to practise.

Thank you for your support.

Please ensure spelling books are in school everyday.


Grinshill Class _ Design Technology Project

This term the children have been designing their own pyramids in their books and using Computer aided design.

Next week, they will be making their designs. They have each chosen what they want to make it out of. So, they will be asking you for some items.

If anyone has any spare cardboard could they please bring into class before Friday.

Kind regards

Mrs Roberts

Welcome Back!

This term our topic is Ancient Egyptians – I have included the topic link to show what we will be doing this term

Summer 2022 Egypt

PE will be on a Thursday and a Friday

Homework out on Wednesday in on Monday.

Spellings are back and will be tested on a Friday morning – the children will bring home their spelling books today.

Kind regards,

Mrs Roberts