A Mystery Suitcase!

Today a mysterious suitcase was delivered to school. It was a very old suitcase and we decided we needed to work out who it belongs to. We used the items in the suitcase as historical sources to find out about the past. We thought at first the suitcase might belong to a pirate or bird watcher as there was a compass and pair of binoculars but eventually decided the case belonged to a soldier from WW1 when we looked at the rest of the clues.


Homework – 27th October 2023

Homework tasks to last from now until 10th November are:

  1. Ask a grown up at home to listen to you read and record it in your reading diary. Aim to do this as many times as you can. Also read whatever you like, just for enjoyment
  2. Practise the 2, 5 and 10 times tables. You could use Times Tables Rockstars or any other method that works for you.
  3. There are some Storylands activities on Reading Eggs to complete. If you want to, you can also do some personalised activities.
  4. Enjoy your half term and have a rest!

Rocket Phonics – 16th October 2023

This week in out phonics lessons, Year 2 will be focusing on the sounds:

  • ‘ci’ as in musician
  • ‘ssi’ as in percussion

We will be reading and spelling words including these phonemes, such as special, official, artificial, musician, optician, mission, passion, permission

We will also be continuing to practise reading and spelling the common exception words:

  • who
  • again
  • many
  • laughed
  • because
  • any
  • eyes
  • friends
  • once
  • please

Rocket Phonics – 2nd October 2023

Year 2

This week in out phonics lessons, Year 2 will be focusing on the sounds:

  • ‘ture’ as in picture
  • ‘y’ as in pyramid
  • ‘sc’ as in scissors

We will be reading and spelling words including these phonemes, such as picture, mixture, nature, gym, mystery, pyramid, scissors, science, scene.

We will also be continuing to practise reading and spelling the common exception words:

  • oh
  • their
  • people
  • Mr
  • Mrs
  • looked
  • called
  • asked
  • could
  • water
  • where