Homework – 10th February 2023


We have been learning about money in maths over the last couple of weeks. Please could you practise making specific amounts of money with different coins with your child. This could be through playing games such as shops or going to an actual shop and helping your child to pay. If possible, please also include giving change.

Year 2 – You also have a calculation using money sheet to complete. You might want to do this with your grown up.


Next week, we are moving on to learning how to multiply. Please could you practise the times tables at home, focusing on 2, 5 and 10 times tables. Remember, you can also log on to Times Tables Rockstars to keep practising.

Homework 21.10.22

This week for your homework I have sent home with you number formation sheets and a times tables mosaic. There are 90 questions on the mosaic so you don’t have to do it all at once!

Over half term, please keep up with your reading and Times Tables Rockstars if you use it. Also, here is the link to the punctuation superheroes game we looked at in English today. https://www.bbc.co.uk/games/embed/small-town-superheroes?exitGameUrl=https%3A%2F%2Fbbc.co.uk%2Fbitesize%2Farticles%2Fzncgvk7