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Thursday 18th June 2020

Good Morning Haughmond!

What a miserable day!

In school Sam chose a Trolls yoga for us to do on Tuesday. You can try it out here: Trolls Yoga

Today at 11am The Duchess of Cambridge is going to be taking part in a live assembly on the Oak Academy website. Assembly


Year One – Today you are beginning to write a recount.

Thursday’s Lesson

Year Two – you are going to be identifying the key features of action scenes

Thursday’s Lesson


Year One, today you are sharing into equal groups.

Thursday’s Video

Thursday’s Activity

Year Two, today is about patterns.

Thursday’s Video

Thursday Activity

I hope you all have a lovely day,

Mrs G.

Wednesday 17th June 2020

Good Morning Haughmond!

Halfway through the week!


Today I would like you to spend some time on Reading Eggs.

Year One – Today you are learning to use the first person and past tense.

Wednesday’s Lesson

Year Two – you are learning to use powerful verbs and adverbs.

Wednesday’s Lesson


Year One, today you have got an activity which will help your learning about arrays.

Wednesday Activity

Year Two, you are sorting 2D and 3D shapes.

Wednesday’s Video

Wednesday’s Activity

Stay safe,

Mrs G.

Tuesday 16th June 2020

Good Morning Haughmond!

In our bubbles in school we have started doing some yoga activities. Yesterday Gabbi chose a yoga story based on Frozen. We thought that you might like to have a go at it too.

Cosmic Kids Frozen Yoga


Year One – you are learning to memorise the story.

Tuesday’s Lesson

Year Two, you are going to be learning about the meaning of words in Chapter One.

Tuesday’s Lesson


Year One, today you are exploring doubling numbers.

Tuesday’s Video

Tuesday’s Activity

Year Two, today you are identifying the features of 3D shapes.

Tuesday’s Video

Tuesday’s Activity

Have a good day,

Mrs G.

Monday 15th June 2020

Good Morning!

I hope you all had a really good weekend and did lots of exciting things.

Some of Year One are in school this week, but I will continue to put the learning for those of you that are at home every day.


Year One – Today you are starting to learn about a story called The Man on the Moon.

Monday’s Lesson

Year Two – This week you are beginning to learn a new text called The Odyssey.

Monday’s Lesson


Year One – Today you are making arrays

Monday’s Video

Monday’s Activity

Year Two, today you are learning about vertices and 2D shapes

Monday’s Video

Monday Activity

I hope you all have a super day,

Mrs G

Friday 12th June 2020

Good Morning!

It’s the end of another week. Have you got anything exciting planned this weekend?

Today I am going to upload a video of an Open the Book that Rev Hannah has made for us along with Rev Mary-Lou and Pat.


It is the final day of the TTR tournament and this week Year One are in the lead! Gabbi currently has the most points, well done!

Today is the Friday family maths challenge. However, this week it is a little but different! White Rose have teamed up with the Premier League to create today’s lessons.

Year One Lesson

Year Two Lesson


Spelling test day today! Remember to ask a grown up in your house to test you on this week’s words.

Year One, today you are continuing to write your story.

Friday’s Lesson

Year Two, today you are learning about diary entries.

Friday’s Lesson

Have a good day and a good weekend.

Mrs G.

Thursday 11th June 2020

Good Morning Haughmond!

I hope you have all had a good week so far.

Remember today to have a look at TTR and also at Reading Eggs.


Year One, today you are learning about tens and ones.

Thursday Video

Thursday’s Activity

Year Two, today you are finding a quarter

Thursday’s Video

 Thursday’s Activity


Year One, today you are beginning to write your story.

Thursday’s Lesson

Year Two, you are continuing your revision around different elements of grammar.

Thursday’s Lesson

Also, on Oak Academy today there is a lesson about who Sir Ranulph Fiennes is. I think he is a very interesting man who has led a very exciting life!

Sir Ranulph Fiennes Lesson

Have a good day,

Stay safe,

Mrs G.

Wednesday 10th June 2020

Good Morning Haughmond!

Halfway through the week!


Year One, today you are counting in 10’s.

Wednesday Video

Wednesday’s Activity

Year Two, today you are finding a half.

Wednesday’s Video

Wednesday’s Activity


Year One, today you are learning to use exclamation marks.

Wednesday’s Lesson

Year Two, today you are going to be recapping your learning about commas in lists and ‘zig-zag’ letters.

Wednesday’s Lesson

Have a good day!

Mrs G.

Tuesday 9th June 2020

Good Morning Haughmond!

I hope you all had a good day learning yesterday.


Year One, today you are counting in 5’s.

Tuesday Video

Tuesday’s Activitiy

Year Two, today you are learning about non-unit fractions

Tuesday’s Video

Tuesday’s Activity


Year One, today you are learning to memorise the story

Tuesday’s Lesson

Year Two, today you are using contractions in your writing.

Tuesday’s Lesson

Stay safe,

Mrs G.

Monday 8th June 2020

Good Morning!

I hope you all had a good weekend. On Saturday evening we went canoeing on the River Severn which was a nice break, and we got pizza at the end!

I uploaded some activity grids at the end of last week, so you have got some extra things to choose from as well as your Maths and English. This week I am setting you a new tournament on TTR and you have also got Reading Eggs activities that you can complete.


Year One, today you are looking at numbers to 50

Monday Video

Monday’s Activity

Year Two, today you are learning about unit fractions.

Monday’s Video

Monday Activity


Year One, today you are beginning some work about stories. Today you are listening to the story of The Very Noisy Night.

Monday’s Lesson

Year Two, today you are learning about different word endings.

Monday’s Lesson

Have a good day,

Mrs G.

Friday 5th June 2020

Good morning!

Just like that it’s the end of another week already! Well done on all your hard work so far. Have any of you decided to have a go at 30 Days Wild? Yesterday we went for a wild walk at a place called Downs Banks which isn’t too far from my house.

Today in Maths it is the family maths challenge. Remember that this is the same for Year One and Two, and if you have older brothers or sisters in school they might have the same challenges as it gets harder as you go through them. See how far you can get, remembering that you can work with the other people in your house. You will be able to find the Friday Maths Challenge on the BBC Home Learning website.


First of all, I would like you to remember to do your spelling test. The new spellings are also up on the website for you to begin to learn.

Year One, today you are writing your poem – Friday English Lesson

Year Two, today you are writing your haiku – Friday English Lesson

This afternoon Sealife are doing another live session with the penguins and along with Twinkl have come up with some activities to do too. Penguins

Next week I will be in school so will be giving as many of you as I can a call to catch up on what you have been up to. I’m looking forward to talking to you!

Have a good day and enjoy your weekend.

Mrs G.


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