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Reverend Hannah visit

Reverend Hannah, (from our local church in Leaton), spent the afternoon with our class. The children had prepared questions to ask her, about her role in the church. It was a great afternoon and we all learnt lots about her vocation and how it supports our big question in RE this half term.

Home Learning – Children isolating

This work is for children who are isolating and well enough to complete work

  1. Read a book
  2. Times table rockstars
  3. Education City – x table videos and games
  4. Reading eggs
  5. Spelling practise (see spelling section)
  6. Handwriting practise
  7. Write own version of the story ‘Queen of the Falls’
  8. Poster to persuade people to have a balance lifestyle (PSHE)

All children should have log ins, but if you have any problems. Please contact us at school.

Stiperstones Home Learning Monday 20th September 2021

Good Morning Stiperstones, we hope you’re ok and can’t wait to have you all back in class very soon!

Your home learning for Monday is below. If you have any problems or questions please do not hesitate to contact me on

Monday 20th September

Maths: Year 4s you will be finding 1, 10 or 100 more or less than a number. Year 5s you are looking at numbers to one million. Watch the video and then complete the worksheet. You can mark your work using the answer sheet when you have finished like we do in class.

Year 4 video:

Year 4 worksheet: Y4 – Find 1, 10, 100 more or less

Year 4 answers: Y4 – Answers

Year 5 video:

Year 5 worksheet: Y5 – Numbers to a million

Year 5 answers: Y5 – answers

English: In class we are thinking about paragraphs and how to structure our writing. Have a look at the PowerPoint presentation on paragraphs then have a go at continuing a story using paragraphs to structure the text.

Paragraph Powerpoint: Paragraphs

Paragraph Worksheet: Paragraph Activity

Reading: Have a go at the reading comprehension for your year group. You will need to use the skills we have been practicing together in class. You can mark your work using the answers that are at end of the comprehension sheet.

Year 4: Year 4 Reading Comprehension

Year 5: Year 5 Reading Comprehension

Computing: Today we will be looking at the types of information you can/should share about yourself online. Have a look at the PowerPoint presentation and think about what would be safe and unsafe information to have on a public profile. Why might it be dangerous for you to reveal personal details about yourself online? Complete the  form on the ‘Awesome Accounts Activity Sheet’ with the information that would be needed to register for and create an online profile. Think about the information you have put on your form and use a highlighter to highlight and label the parts of the registration information that should stay private.

Powerpoint:Too Much Information

Worksheet: Awesome Accounts Activity Sheet

PE: As you know we have been developing our football skills over the past couple of weeks. Have a look at this video on ball mastery and join in with the activities. Remember to make sure you have plenty of space and to listen carefully to the teacher on screen to keep you safe

Ball Mastery:

Any problems, let me know!

Miss Horton 🙂



Stiperstones Class Information

Welcome back Stiperstones,

It’s been lovely to see you all back in class! Please find below an overview of our topic for the Autumn term.

Stiperstones Topic Overview Autumn

We do PE on a Monday and a Thursday, so please come dressed in your PE kit on those days.

Homework will be a mix of online and written activities, a homework book will be used, and if you need any reminders on passwords please ask Mrs Quigley or Miss Horton. Homework will be given out each Monday and collected by the following Monday.

We hope you have settled back into a school well and that you are looking forward to an exciting term.

Thank you,

Miss Horton & Mrs Quigley

Stiperstones online learning – Tuesday 5th January 2020

Hi Stiperstones class,

Happy new year!

I hope you have all had a lovely Christmas break.

For today, until  you have passwords to access your learning in real time via teams, I will upload work to this class page, as we did during the last lockdown, so that you can do the work from there.


For English, I am going to ask you to write a diary entry about your Christmas holidays. This is what we would have been doing in class today.

You can either choose a single day to write about, or write about a few days. Either way, make sure you include lots of detail, including expanded noun phrases to describe (with commas between adjectives (e.g. the giant, beautiful, green tree) and adverbs to describe verbs (e.g. I woke excitedly).

Remember to focus on your handwriting, ensuring you write joined and as neatly as possible. Also, think about your basic punctuation – this needs tightening up!

Remember full stops to end each sentence and capital letters to start each new sentence and for names of people or places (proper nouns).


In maths we were going to be multiplying and dividing by 6.

Here is a  video to follow so that you can still do the same learning.


Here is the maths worksheet that corresponds with the video –

Multiply and divide by 6 work sheet

You will need to have this to work on at the same time as playing the video. The video will tell you when to pause the video and complete each part of the sheet. If you can not print the sheet, do not worry! You can write your answers on paper or in a work book.


Reading Comprehension 

For reading comprehension, please read the text and then answer the questions in full sentences.

Mo Farah Reading Comprehension Activity


As we were not in school on Monday and this meant that P.E was missed, please follow this Joe Wicks exercise video as our first P.E session this week.


For R.E, please can you create a mind map of everything that you think of when you think of the word ‘God’. There are no right or wrong answers and all ideas are valid. You can even draw a picture in the middle of what you envision that a ‘God’ may look like.


Remember everyone, you will also need to be accessing Times Tables Rockstars throughout lockdown and will also need to be reading for at least 15 minutes a day to an adult.

Additionally, I will upload your Spellings onto the Stiperstones spelling page on this website each Thursday like usual.

Keep up the hard work  and feel free to email Mrs Winwood on her admin email address if you have any questions for me or if you would like to show me any of your fabulous work.

Stay safe Stiperstones!

Miss L-J



Welcome to Stiperstones Class!

Hello and welcome to Stiperstones class!

I am so excited to be welcoming you all back to school this week.

Amongst other things, this term we will be studying Greece and the Ancient Greeks as our history and geography topic, and we have lots of great new books for our English topics that I can’t wait to read with you ! In Science, we will be studying the classification of plants and animals and in R.E we will be learning more about the religion of Hinduism. Wow – what a lot to look forward too!

For your information, PE days for our class are Monday (for now, we will see how this goes!) and Thursdays with the P.E coach, and we would like to remind you to wear your kit to school on these days, so that there is no need to get changed whilst you are here . As always, remember to bring your healthy snack for our break times at 11 o clock each day. Just as another reminder – our school day in Stiperstones class will begin at 8:45 drop off and collection will be 2:55 at the playground gates. We ask that you are on time and waiting ready as we only have a 10 minute slot to get you all in to Stiperstones class, one at a time. I hope you have had a fabulous summer and I have been looking forward to seeing you all this September !

Miss Lloyd-Jones

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