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Wrekin Learning – Tuesday 14th July 2020


I hope you are looking forward to the summer break. I do wish for sunnier weather – it is normally great for the last week of term!


Some learning for today:


Don’t forget to keep up with TTRS and Fiction Express!


Mr F

Wrekin Learning – Thursday 9th July 2020

Good morning all! Remember to keep checking out Newsround:


Here are some learning activities for you today:

Have a great day!


Mr Field

Wrekin Learning – Wednesday 8th July 2020

Good morning to those of you working at home today! It has been great to see many of you in school and to speak to those pupils still at home! Remember, if you need anything or you have any worries, please ask your parents to contact me, or speak to a grown-up at school.


Home Learning for today:

I hope you have a great day!


Mr Field

Wrekin Learning Tuesday 7th July 2020

Good morning Wrekin Class,


You may know Kanye West as a rap artist, but he now wants to become US President after Donald Trump! What do you think?


Here is some work for today:


I hope you have a lovely day!


Mr Field

Wrekin Learning – Monday 6th July 2020

Hello Wrekin Class – I hope you are well and I hope that you have a pleasant week.


Most of you are in school, but I shall continue providing work for those of you who are not and for additional studies for those who want it!


Learning activities for today:

Please remember to keep on top of the following:

  • Times Tables Rockstars
  • Reading Eggs
  • Fiction Express

Have a good day


Mr F

Wrekin Learning – Wednesday 1st July 2020

Bonjour Wrekin Class!


I have some learning activities for you:


Have a good day


Mr Field

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