Friday 24th September 2021 – Home Learning

Extra maths today to finish our unit.

compare numbers Friday

compare numbers Friday answers


order numbers Friday part 2

order numbers part 2 answers



count in 50s part 3 Friday

Count in 50s part 3 Friday answers


Practise 4 x tables on the following website

You can play games and speed tests.


Write a short story about a boy and a seal based around our book. Try to include fronted adverbials, prepositions and noun phrases.

Have a good weekend!

Thursday 23rd September 2021 – Home Learning

There is homework on Education City to complete.


Thursday 23rd September

Answers Thursday 23rd September


Practise joining with the following spellings and sentences;

payment     – Bob regretfully couldn’t make the payment.
amazement    –  To my amazement, he arrived on time.
amusement    – To my amusement, my friend burst out laughing.
nourishment    –   A plant needs the correct nourishment to grow.
punishment –    The judge handed out a harsh punishment to the criminal.

In English we are continuing to read our book ‘The Seal Surfer’

We are writing 3 paragraphs today about the build-up to the accident.

Paragraph 1 – Before the accident – the boy having fun, chatting with his friends, showing cool surf moves.

Paragraph 2 – The accident – Surfing with seal, fell off, sank into water, crashed on rocks, rescued seals.

Paragraph 3 – After the accident – Felt relieved, felt safe, grateful to seal, amazed, friends for life, friends worried, felt fine, carried on surfing.


Today we are looking at healthy eating – can you design a plate of food that is healthy, draw it and write about it.


Can you do some light exercise at home (Only if you are feeling well enough)

Have a good day, hope to see you back soon.

Mrs Roberts



Wednesday 22nd September – Home Learning


wednesday 23rd September


Use the following sheets to work on suffixes, which is our focus in spelling this week.

Wednesday 23rd September part 1

Wednesday 23rd September part 2


Wednesday 22nd September

Wednesday 22nd September answers


There are several reasons why you need to start a new paragraph.

  1. Change of place.
  2. Change of time.
  3. Change of person.
  4. Change of event.
  5. Change of speaker.

In the Seal Surfer, so far we have learnt the following. There were some bad gales and storms during the winter, the old man and the boy thought the seal pup had died, until the boy started surfing in the summer. The seal pup loved surfing alongside the boy and they surfed each day together. Until, one day there was an accident, the boy fell off his surfboard and fell into the water and bumped his head on the rocks.

Can you write a couple of paragraphs based on the five times a paragraph would change? Include the facts in the story so far, to include conversations between the characters. This could be the grandad, the boy, the boy’s friends on the beach. Maybe the boy talks to the seal.


In class we are going to looking at rocks again, but this time describing the properties and conducting some simple tests.

Can you find some different rocks in your garden 3 or 4 would be good. Also the following;

  • a penny
  • a steel nail
  • vinegar (clear distilled is best) the other will work.
  • chalk
  • water – small cup.

List the rocks by description, then test them for;

  • Hardness – by scratching each rock in turn. Write did if scratch or not.
  • Permeable or impermeable – add a few drops of water onto the rock, did it absorb the water (Permeable) didn’t (impermeable).
  • Reaction – Add a few drops of vinegar onto each stone, did it react (fizz).

Then you can write a short paragraph to explain your findings.


You can bring your work into school when you return, or email to the school office.

Hope to see you all in class soon.

Mrs Roberts – Class Teacher

Home Learning Tuesday 21st September


Number Lines to 1000 Tuesday 21st September

Answers 21st September


We have been working on jumbled sentences in class.  Can you work your way through the worksheet attached.


Today we would be doing French, PE, music and guided reading.

So, I have added some sites where you can do this.


Lesson Presentation Colours

Differentiated Colours Activity Sheet

Vocabulary Flashcards Colours


Some kids music for autumn – maybe you could write your own song.


Working on finding your pulse while resting count how many beats in 60seconds then after exercise. How many sit ups, star jumps, press ups,  can you do? How long can you run on the spot for. Don’t forget to check heart beat on your pulse.

Home learning Monday 20th September



Monday 20th september

monday 20th september answers


Today we are working on speech (Inverted Commas)

Can you write a short dialogue between you (The boy) and grandad. In the story so far, the seal pup has not been seen since the winter storms and the boy and grandad are very worried. Remember the rhyme we learnt to remember how to use speech marks – ” speech marks, Capital letter, speech, punctuation, ” speech marks.


We are spending time practising joining today on the following words;








The flying saucer is launched.







The wind blew, the kite flew.

Spellings for this week

Suffixes -ment, -ness, -ful, -less,- ly

Can you add these suffixes following the rule listed at the bottom. – Use a dictionary to check if you are right.



Rule – if a suffix starts with a consonant letter, it is added straight onto most root words without any change to the last letter of those words.

























You may also go on Education City and Reading Eggs




Work for children in isolation

Maths – Try to do these in order, if it has a worksheet I will attach.

Day 1

Day 2

Day 2 work

Day 2 Answers

Day 3

Day 3 work

day 3 answers


Day 4

day 4 work

day 4 answers



In class we have been making a fact file about seals.

You can include sub-headings for each section, such as; behaviour, appearance and eating habits. You can have as many as you like. You must write a short paragraph about each section to include noun phrases, expanded noun phrases and prepositions. You can include pictures and drawings.


You can follow spellings on Grinshill spelling page.

Times Tables

Continue to practise x2, x3, x5, x10

You can play games and complete speed tests to check your understanding.


You can go on Reading Eggs


Yesterday we looked at different rocks – you could go on a rock hunt in your garden, then describe the rocks using scientific language, like; bumpy, smooth, sharp and colourful to name a few. When you have written some sentences you can then draw your rock including colours.


You can go on Education City


We have been looking at the Baptism of Jesus and John the Baptist, you could find the story and draw a picture to explain what happened.


Stone Age – This week we looked at how you would collect food in the Stone Age as hunter gatherers.

  1. If you had a spear what could you eat?
  2. Which foods could you hunt?
  3.  Which foods could you gather?

Write a paragraph about it and a picture.

There will be more work loaded W/C 20th September



Spellings 13th September 2021

As mentioned in previous message there are no formal spelling tests anymore.

Adding -ing, -ed to root words


  1. If the final two letters are a single vowel followed by a single consonant, double the last consonant before adding -ed and -ing. e.g. root word – patpatting/ patted.
  2.  If the verb ends in the consonant letters, the endings -ed and -ing are simply added on.
  3. The y is changed to an I before adding -ed not not -ing e.g. varyvarying, varied
  4. The -e at the end of the root word is dropped before adding -ing and -ed. e.g. care – caring – cared.


Consonants = b, c, d, f, g, h, j, k, l , m , n , p, q, r, s, t, v, w, x, y, z

Vowels = a, e, i, o, u

Spelling this week with additional endings

bob  flap  nod  rob  rub  stop  thud

fancy  marry  multiply  mummify  reply  spy  study  tally  vary  worry

bare  care  doze  improve  move  place  prove  shake  stare


As a school we are now following a new spelling scheme. This will involve more spelling focussed lessons with regular testing across the week. Therefore, an official weekly test of spellings will not take place. You may of course continue to practise at home and the spellings will be on the website each week.

Thank you

Mrs Roberts – Deputy Headteacher and Grinshill Class Teacher