Homework 21.10.22

This week for your homework I have sent home with you number formation sheets and a times tables mosaic. There are 90 questions on the mosaic so you don’t have to do it all at once!

Over half term, please keep up with your reading and Times Tables Rockstars if you use it. Also, here is the link to the punctuation superheroes game we looked at in English today. https://www.bbc.co.uk/games/embed/small-town-superheroes?exitGameUrl=https%3A%2F%2Fbbc.co.uk%2Fbitesize%2Farticles%2Fzncgvk7

Healthy Helpers

Today, the school council members from Healthy Helpers carried out a Health and Safety audit of the school.

They walked around the entire school with the caretaker Mr Jones and Chair of governors Keith Lister. They made sure the school was safe and identified any issues that may need addressing. The children were very thorough and carried out their roles fantastically.


Homework 23.9.22

There are two homework tasks for you to complete this week.

  1. Maths – Please could you all practice your number formation, especially making sure that all of your digits are facing the right way, and if you are practicing 2 digit numbers that the numbers are in the correct order! You could do this in all sorts of ways, maybe try painting numbers, or using chalk in the garden.
  2. Science – since finding the great crested newts in our school pond, I would like to create a display about them in the hall. Please could you create something about great crested newts for this. It could be a model, poster, a picture, painting, collage or factfile. It’s completely up to you!

Homework is due in next Friday morning.