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Spellings – 13th July

Year 2

Question words, SPaG terms

who, why, what, how, which, where, when, adjective, adverb, verb

Year 3

Silent letters

build, guide, guard, wheat, whale, honest, whirl, gnome, gnaw, surprise.

Year 4

Adverbials of manner

awkwardly, frantically, curiously, obediently, carefully, rapidly, unexpectedly, deliberately, hurriedly, reluctantly



Spellings – 6th July

Year 2

Months of the year/ time

November, December, after, past, hour, half, minute, quarter, month, second

Year 3

Silent letters revision

island, answer, write, wrapper, knife, knock, thumb, doubt, half, calm.

Year 4

Adverbials of frequency and possibility

regularly, occasionally, frequently, usually, rarely, perhaps, maybe, certainly, possibly, probably

Spellings – 29th June

Year 2

Months of the year

January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December (Seemed silly not to do all 12)

Year 3

Words ending with a ‘cher’ sound spelt as ‘ture’

lecture, literature, mature, miniature, mixture, puncture, sculpture, signature, temperature, texture.

Year 4

Adding the suffix -ous (Words ending in ‘e’ drop the ‘e’ but not ‘ge’

famous, nervous, ridiculous, carnivorous, herbivorous, porous, adventurous, courageous, outrageous, advantageous.

Spellings – 22nd June

Year 2

Homophones and near homophones and conjuctions.

night, knight, blue, blew, hole, whole, because, so, that, or

Year 3

Words ending with a ‘chuh’ sound spelt as ‘ture’

creature, picture, nature, furniture, capture, culture, moisture, future, gesture, structure

Year 4

Adding the suffix -ous (Words ending in ‘y’ become ‘i’ and words ending in ‘our’ become ‘or’)

various, furious, glorious, victorious, mysterious, humorous, glamorous, vigorous, odorous, rigorous



Spellings – 15th June

Year 2

Homophones and near homophones

be, bee, quite, quiet, bare, bear, one, won, son, sun.

Year 3

Words ending with an ‘zhuh’ sound spelt with ‘sure’

treasure, measure, pleasure, enclosure, closure, leisure, exposure, pressure, composure, fissure.

Year 4

Adding the suffix -ous (No definitive root word)

tremendous, enormous, jealous, serious, hideous, fabulous, curious, anxious, obvious, gorgeous.



Spellings – 8th June

Year 2

Homophones and near homophones (Words that sound the same but are spelt differently)

there, their, they’re, here, hear, see, sea, to, too, two

Year 3

Words ending in the suffix -al

natural, occasional, actual, accidental, medical, national, capital, vocal, sensational, personal.

Year 4

Adding the suffix -ous (No change to root word)

dangerous, poisonous, mountainous, joyous,

Spellings – 1st June

Year 2

Common exception words

any, many, clothes, water, pretty, Christmas, beautiful, busy, poor, kind.

Year 3

Word families based on common words, showing how words are related in form and meaning.

press, suppress, express, compress, impress, prevent, invent, venture, adventure, eventful.

Year 4

Words ending in -ar or -er.

calendar, grammar, regular, particular, peculiar, popular, consider, remember, quarter, integer.

Spellings – 18th May

Year 2

The possessive apostrophe (Belonging to)

Megan’s, Ravi’s, the girl’s, the child’s, the man’s, the woman’s, the school’s, a dog’s, a teacher’s, a postman’s.

Year 3

Word families based on common words, showing how words are related in form and meaning.

scope, telescope, microscope, horoscope, periscope, inspect, spectator, respect, perspective, spectacles.

Year 4

Adding the prefix non- (meaning not’)

non-stick, non-stop, non-starter, non-smoker, nonsense, non-fiction, non-drip, non-violent, non-profit, non-believer.


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