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11th March 2019 – spellings

Year 2 – The ‘er’ sound spelt with ‘or’ and the ‘or’ sound spelt with ‘ar’

word            worst

work            war

worm          warm

world           towards

worth           wand


Year 3 – words ending in the ‘g’ sound spelt ‘gue’ and the ‘k’ sound spelt ‘que’

league       plague

rogue    vague

fatigue      unique

antique     mosque

cheque       technique

Monday 4th March 2019

Year 2 – The ‘o’ sound spelt with ‘a’ after ‘w’ or ‘qu’

want         watch

wander      quantity

squash         quality

squabble        squad

quad         quarrel


Year 3  – adding the prefixes ‘bi’ meaning ‘two’ or ‘twice’ and ‘re’ meaning ‘again’ or ‘back’

bicycle              biplane

bisect                bilingual

biannual           reappear

redecorate          reapply

repay            rebuild

Spellings 4th February 2019

Year 2

Common exception words

fast            last

father        class

grass         pass

plant          path

bath            people


Year 3

words with a ‘k’ sound spelt using ‘ch’

scheme          chaos

chorus              stomach

echo                  chemistry

character          orchestra

ache                technology

Week of 21st January 2019

Year 2s

adding -ing, -ed, -er, -est, and -y to words of one syllable

patting                              dropping

patted                               dropped

humming                         sadder

hummed                            saddest

runner                                   runny


Year 3s

Words with the prefix mis-

misspell                                    mislead

mistreat                                   misbehave

mistrust                                    misprint

misuse                                      misplace

misheard                                   misread

Spellings Monday 12th November 2018

Year 2

The ‘l’ sound spelt with ‘-il’ and ‘-al’

pencil          pedal

fossil           capital

nostril          hospital

pupil             animal

metal           oval


Year 3

creating adverbs, when the root wood ends in ‘le’

gently         terribly

simply         possibly

humbly        incredibly

nobly           comfortably

horribly          probably

Spellings – week of 15th October 2018 – Grinshill Class

Year 2

Adding -ed, -er and -est to a word ending in -y

copier             copied

happier           happiest

cried               replied

tried                dried

driest               funnier


Year 3

Words with a short /i/ spelt using ‘y’

myth              hymn

gym                system

Egypt             symbol

pyramid          lyric

mystery           typical

Spellings – 8th October 2018

Year 2 –  Common Exception Words

door           climb

floor           parents

again        most

wild          only

children        both


Year 3 – Homophones and Near Homophones

berry         bury

brake       break

meet       meat

ball        bawl

fair        fare

Grinshill Spellings – Week 3 – Monday 17th September 2018

Week 3 – W/C 17th September

Year 2  

The ‘s’ sound spelt using ‘c’.

race                     face

ice                       space

cell                       bicycle

city                       circle

fancy                    spicy

Year 3

Words with a long ‘a’ spelt using ‘ai’.

straight                        waist

campaign                     claim

contain                          praise

brain                              complaint

faint                                afraid





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