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Positive Pals and Negative Nags!

In our PSHE lesson today we were learning about how our mindset has an impact on how we feel and sometimes on how we learn. We found out about two types of people, positive pals and negative nags, and thought about how each type of person may act. We talked about how we can be a positive pals for our own learning and for our classmates and strategies for when we are stuck or finding things difficult.

These pictures show our positive and negative body language ideas.



Visit to Leaton Church

Today, Pimhill and Haughmond classes visited Leaton Church as part of their learning about the key questions ‘What is a Church?’ and ‘Why do Christians go to Church?’

We explored the inside and outside of the building and worked with Rev. Hannah, Rev. Mary-Lou, Pat and Val to find out the answers to our questions and complete to complete a church quiz.

Wattle and Daub

We have had a really fun and muddy morning today having a go at creating our own wattle and daub panels as part of our Design Technology learning about structures, as this was the building method common before the Great Fire of London. Some of us think that wattle and daub is a good method of building a strong structure, but others of us think that it is not a good building material. Annabelle told us that she thinks wood is risky because it might break when you are building.





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