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Clarice Cliff

The second artist we have looked at in Arts Week is Clarice Cliff. We have looked at the way she used pattern and colour in her ceramics. We designed our own Clarice Cliff inspired plate and used acrylic paint to transfer our design onto a real plate.

Arts Week – Mondrian

This week is Arts Week and in Haughmond we are learning about the 1930’s. We have found out about the artist Piet Mondrian who produced some of his works in this decade and then created our own Mondrian inspired pieces of art. We thought about how just using the primary colours could be used to show different things and Max and Ciaran decided to just use blue and yellow so that their pieces represented Shrewsbury Town!

Seasonal Changes

Today we took advantage of the break in the rain and went to explore the seasonal changes that have happened since our last investigation. We made our wristbands and realised that they were much more colourful than in the winter!

Transition Day – New Classes

On Tuesday 10th July 2018 pupils will experience life in their new classes for September. Current Year 6 pupils will be attending their secondary schools, whilst all other pupils will meet their new teachers for the day. Pupils should go to their existing classes first to register and give lunch information, before being directed to their new class.

The teachers are very much looking forward to this event, but of you have any questions, please pop into school.

Tea Party – 18th May

To mark the upcoming wedding of Prince Harry and Meghan Markle and celebrate British Values, we will be holding a Tea Party on Friday 18th May.

Parents should provide a small plate of party food for pupils to eat and share at the tea party!

Pupils should make a special crown for homework and bring it into school ready for the celebration!

Pimhill class will be on a school trip to Cosford on that day, so will not need to bring a plate of food, but they are still encouraged to make crowns for the special day!

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