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Children in Need

Today we have all been learning about the work of Children in Need and some of the projects they support. We began our day by joining in with Joe Wicks’ Big Morning Move, along with 5300 other schools from all over the country, and learnt about some of the projects he has been involved in with Children in Need.


Visit to Leaton Church

Today, Pimhill and Haughmond classes visited Leaton Church as part of their learning about the key questions ‘What is a Church?’ and ‘Why do Christians go to Church?’

We explored the inside and outside of the building and worked with Rev. Hannah, Rev. Mary-Lou, Pat and Val to find out the answers to our questions and complete to complete a church quiz.

Teaching for Mastery in Maths

Both Mrs Foster and Mrs Roberts are being trained as ‘Teaching for Mastery’ maths teachers. This is a hugely successful approach to teaching and delivering maths to children. It originated in China, which as a country has the worlds most successful mathematicians. It is still being developed across the UK, and we are very excited to be part of this project.

The maths that the children will see in these classrooms may look a little different to what they are used to. It does not require pages and pages of repeating sums, but to understand why they are doing it, what they know about it, how to explain the reasoning and how they can use that knowledge in other areas of mathematics.

If you have any queries that you want to discuss with either teacher please let them know.

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