Homework – 27th October 2023

Homework tasks to last from now until 10th November are:

  1. Ask a grown up at home to listen to you read and record it in your reading diary. Aim to do this as many times as you can. Also read whatever you like, just for enjoyment
  2. Practise the 2, 5 and 10 times tables. You could use Times Tables Rockstars or any other method that works for you.
  3. There are some Storylands activities on Reading Eggs to complete. If you want to, you can also do some personalised activities.
  4. Enjoy your half term and have a rest!

Stiperstones Homework

Over the half term, I would like the children to focus on x table practise.

I have set a challenge on TTR for you to complete, you can also use the x tables games website.

On Friday 3rd November, the next book is released on Fiction Express. Please read the first chapter of your chosen book and complete the quiz.

Have a good half term, see you back on Tuesday 7th November.

Second half term spellings

These are the spellings for you to focus on this half term.

Please continue to practise them, use the tricks and strategies we use in class to learn new spellings. We will be having a collaborative test towards the end of term.

Year 4 words

actually, address, although, century, certain, circle, exercise, experience, experiment, height, history, imagine, naughty, notice, occasion, pressure, probably, promise, suppose, surprise, therefore


Year 5 words

achieve, aggressive, amateur, communicate, community, competition, disastrous, embarrass, environment, government, guarantee, harass, muscle, necessary, neighbour, queue, recognise, recommend, sufficient, suggest, symbol