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Monday 20th April 2020

Good morning Haughmond,

I hope you all had a lovely Easter break with lots of chocolate and you were able to do some nice things with your families. At my house we’ve done lots of art activities and been camping in our garden! We’ve also done lots of jobs but my children haven’t found that very exciting!

How about starting your morning with Joe Wicks live P.E.? I will be joining in with my children to work off our Easter eggs!


Maths is going to be a little bit different this term. Each Monday I am going to give you a link to a week’s maths lessons that you can follow and complete the activities each day. All the weeks are on one page so you just need to check you’ve picked the week with that Monday’s date.

I know that not all of you are able to print out the activities, so you can just write the answers and your working out in your book. There are different lessons for Year One and Year Two:

Year One:

Year Two:

Times Tables Rockstars – This week I haven’t set a battle because I would like you to focus on the Garage, Studio and Soundcheck sections. Please could you do at least one of these activities each day and for at least 15 minutes.


Please continue with your daily tasks and practise your spellings and handwriting. If you can spell all the words off the weekly spellings, also remember to practice the list of words that you took home in your packs.

Reading Eggs/Reading Eggspress – For today I have set most of you a Storylands lesson on Reading Eggs to complete. Some of you will have a lesson on Reading Eggspress instead, as you have completed all the Storylands lessons. You know who you are!

The week’s letters and sounds is on Education City for you to work through.

For your other activities, I have put together a grid with nine different mini projects for you to work through which are linked to the different topics we would have been learning about if we were still in school. Remember, each of the activities should take more than one session and don’t feel you need to start them all at once. It is up to you how you organise yourself for it. I will put the document in another post as well so you can always find it easily.

Haughmond Home Learning Tasks

My audiobook recommendation for this week is for you to access Oliver Jeffers’ website and watch him reading some of his books. The videos can be found at

Take care, and keep staying safe. You are all doing amazingly and I am so proud of you.

Mrs G.



Friday 3rd April 2020

Good Morning!

Last day of the term today, so for two weeks this will be my last daily update. You can still send things to me, but I might not be able to acknowledge them until after the holidays. There will be some ideas of activities on the website over the holidays in case you want something to do.

Again, it looks like a lovely day, although I ended up being wrong yesterday as it went very grey in Market Drayton!


Your English today comprises of a few tasks:

  1. Spelling test! The spellings to learn for your test after Easter are now on the website too.
  2. The next Storylands lesson you have got on Reading Eggs
  3. The second task after the two that you set yesterday


  1. TTR – Year Two, I am so impressed that you are currently beating the Year Fives! See if you can increase your lead to make it a definite victory. Lara, you are doing incredibly! Year One boys, the girls have taken a big lead against you. Serena, well done for scoring the most points in Year One (so far) for the second week in a row. Dom, Patrick and Sam, you are putting up an especially determined fight for the boys, but can everyone else help you close the gap?
  2. The last two days you have been learning about time. Today I’ve found a jigsaw for you to have a go at here If you can’t print it off, have a god at finding matching times and draw them in your book, or ask your grown up to draw you some clock faces so you can work out the time. If you wanted you could even create your own time matching jigsaw for someone else to complete. Year Two, this would allow you to practise time to the five minutes as well.


I keep saying it is important for you to spend some time outside, so at some point soon I would like you to go out into your garden and draw/paint/colour something that you see outside. It could be a flower, a plant or your dog lying in the sunshine! My boys have done some leaf rubbings with wax crayons. Whatever you choose to do, remember to look carefully at what you are drawing and include as much detail as you can.

I hope you all have a cracking Easter, and I will be back in two weeks!

Stay safe,

Mrs G.


Thursday 2nd April 2020

Good Morning,

It looks like it’s going to be a lovely day again today, so do your best to be spending some of your day outside.

Well done to everyone who has taken part in the TTR battles so far. You are all doing really well! Remember to keep up all your daily activities too.


For your English learning today I want you to go back to The Queen’s Knickers. I want you to think about the time that the Queen’s knickers went missing. The story tells us that it was sorted out just before the News at Ten. I’m going to give you two writing activities. You can do one today and the other tomorrow. The order is your choice:

  1. Create a missing poster including details such as descriptions and where they were last seen.
  2. Create a newspaper report reporting on the missing knickers. In this one I would like you to include an interview with Dilys. Bonus points if you remember speech marks.

I’ve also been asked about handwriting sheets that you could use to practise with. If you would like some, have a look at these


Yesterday I set you some learning related to telling the time. I am putting some more activities for time on Education City for you to complete and then tomorrow I am going to set you a more practical activity.


I know how much you all enjoy coding, so I’ve chosen the unit 1B on Espresso Coding. It’s the one called Simple Inputs and has a picture of a wizard. You should be able to access it on tablets as well as on a computer. As you know this is more than one lesson, but you can work through it at your own pace until you have completed it. Google Espresso Coding. Our username is student26770 and the password is bomere

Have a lovely day!

Mrs G

Wednesday 1st April 2020

Good morning and welcome to a brand new month!

Thank you to everyone who sent in things for me to see yesterday. I’m going to spend some of the morning putting a post together of all your learning to add to the Haughmond News part of the website.

Maddy, I really enjoyed reading your letter and hearing about all the things you have been up to. Your joke did make me smile!

Jess, what a lot you have done! I agree that your Rapunzel picture is fab and you should be proud of it.

Indi, you’ve done loads too! I particularly like your review of Chirk Castle. What a lot of writing!

Lara, I’ve seen how hard you are working on TTR. Well done! Keep it up! I was really pleased to see that you included division in your maths today.

Dom, The Quangle-Wangle’s Hat is one of my favourite stories, so it was lovely to read your review. I also love your snail picture and I’m really pleased with your effort on TTR. It’s lovely to hear you keep on getting quicker.

There have been lots of excellent knicker designs too! Thank you all for your hard work. I miss you all lots too and am looking forward to when we can all be together again.


Please carry on with your phonics activities on Education City and practising your spellings and handwriting.

Today we are going to take a pause from The Queen’s Knickers because I’ve got an idea from something Jess did on Monday and therefore am today launching ‘Haughmond Film Club!’ If you can choose a film that you would recommend to others to watch then write a film review. Similar to when you wrote your book reviews, but you need to include a plot summery and you could also include details such as who the actors are. Then, when I have got all of your reviews, I will put them into one document that you will be able to download and pick a film out of.


For Maths today I have set you some activities on Education City. They are related to learning to tell the time, which is a really good skill that you can keep on practising while we aren’t in school.


Today would have been our last lesson learning about Kings and Queens. I would like you to find a bit out about our current Queen and her family, and create a family tree for her. You could extend this, and create your own family tree too. There are some different resources you could use on this page if you wanted:

I’ve not given you a recommendation for Audible for a few days, so today I am recommending Winnie-the-Pooh. It’s a long one at nearly 3 hours, so I’m going to keep it as my recommendation for the rest of the week.

Keep up the good work, I’m proud of you all.

Mrs G

Tuesday 31st March 2020

Good morning!

Well done to everyone who logged onto TTR yesterday. I am really impressed to see the scores going up so quickly.


Please carry on with your phonics activities on Education City and practising your spellings and handwriting.

Yesterday you shared The Queen’s Knickers with your grown up, and found out about the different knickers that the queen has for different occasions and the special features that some of the pairs have, such as the parachute. Today I would like you design and draw your own special pair of Queen’s knickers, including at least three special features and write a description of the knickers and these features.


Today is my biggest boy, Josh’s 16th birthday, so I thought some birthday maths would be a good idea!

This challenge is about finding a variety of ways of asking questions which make the number that is your age.

For example, if Josh was doing it, it might look like this

See how many different ways you can come up. See how imaginative you can be, and there are bonus points for anyone that is able to find ways for all four calculation types.


This coming Sunday is Palm Sunday. The day that Jesus rode into Jerusalem on a donkey. Today I would like you to watch the story of Dan the Donkey and talk about it with someone else in your house. Then, have a go at making either a palm leaf, or a palm cross. There are instructions that you could use here: and

Remember your daily activities are also always there for you. I would like to see some of your having a go at the Soundcheck on TTR. This part of the program will help you increase your speed. It will be a challenge but you will get better each time you practise.

I will be really interested to see everything you come up with today,

Enjoy your learning,

We’re missing you all,

Mrs G

Monday 30th March 2020

Good Morning Haughmond!

I hope you all had a lovely weekend and managed to spend some time outside as well as doing activities with your family.

Well done to all of you for the effort you put into your learning last week. It’s been lovely to see examples of your work. Archie and Harrison what an excellent stadium you made, and Jess it was lovely to receive an e-mail telling me about how you are getting on too.

Congratulations to Year One who won last week’s Times Tables Rockstars battle, with Serena getting the most points out of everyone! Well done to Obosa for getting the most points in Year Two. I have set you up different battles this week. Year Two you are against Year Five and Year One I’ve pitted the boys against the girls. Remember it is the Year Ones in Pimhill too. Enjoy the battles, but remember to have a go at the other activities on there too so you can increase your rock status! Numbots is always available for you to practice your skills too.

Keep going with Reading Eggs as well. I can see that some of you did extra last week, so instead of setting you specific lessons, I want you to spend at least 15 minutes on there each day. Over the week try and get a mix of the different types of task; including Storyland lessons, driving tests and spelling lessons, as well as the next reading lesson on your maps.

Remember that even if I can’t comment on what you have done on one of our websites, I can still see what you achieve and am proud of you.

So today I am going to give you some activities for English, Maths and Science.


  • In your Phonics cities on Education City I have given you another series of tasks. As with last week, these cover all five days this week.
  • If we were still in school, the book we would be learning about is The Queen’s Knickers by Nicholas Allan. If you have the story at home I would like you to share it with the other people in your house. Otherwise, here is a link so you can hear it being read Today I would just like you to enjoy the story and talk about it with your grown up.
  • Please practise your spellings, and use this an opportunity to practise your handwriting too. Write each word in a sentence.


For your Maths lesson today, I would like you to log on to the Home Learning Hub on Twinkl If you haven’t signed up yet, the code for your grown-ups is in the pack that I sent home with you. In the 5-7 section there are activities for Year One and Year Two maths. Some of them are going to be a challenge for you, but you should all at least be able to achieve the ‘Diving’ task. Some of you will be able to move through to complete the ‘Deeper’ and ‘Deepest’ sections too.

Remember, if you cannot print the activities off, just copy the bits you need into your exercise books.


For your Science activity today, I would like you to use the Twinkl Home Learning Hub again. They have got a game and activities linked to recycling different materials. Can you use your learning from these activities to help with the recycling at home this week?

Happy Learning!

Mrs Gregory



Friday 27th March 2020

Happy Friday! Last day of the week!

I hope you all managed to spend some of yesterday outside in the sun.

Thank you to all the children who sent me your book reviews yesterday. It was really lovely to read your writing. I think Joe is going to be particularly amused by Dirty Bertie. Thank you for that recommendation Evan!

Remember you have your daily activities: spellings, Reading Eggs, TTRockstars and/or Numbots


Spelling Test day today! Ask one of the grown-ups in your house to test you on your spellings. It would be a good idea if you wrote each word in a sentence too. Remember your punctuation and handwriting.

Next you need to complete the spelling lesson for next week’s set of words.

Year One –

Year Two –


Today is the last day in this week’s TTRockstars battle. Year One are currently winning. Year Two, can you come from behind and win?

Today I’ve got a maths problem for you, thanks to Shrewsbury Town. It is up to you to decide how you are going to solve it and record what you have done, but if it helps I have made a template you can download from here: Football Kit Problem Solving

The problem itself is here:



You’re at the end of a strange week, so I think it would be a good time for a bit of mindfulness. Here’s the link to Peace Out. I’ve chosen Wiggleflop for today because I know that it is a favourite.

My Audible recommendation for the weekend is Kenneth Grahame’s Wind in the Willows. I hope you enjoy it.

Keep up the good work and make the most of the weekend.

Take care,

Mrs Gregory

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