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Homework 28th January 2022

Today in class we have been thinking about how we could welcome Caleb, the refugee in our story, to the UK. For homework this week I think it would be nice for you to write a welcome message to a real refugee arriving in the UK.

You can do this at Refugee Council Welcome Messages

If you would like to, you can take a screenshot or copy and paste your message and send it into school so that I can see it too.

Number Formation

We would like you to practise forming numbers correctly at home. This means you need to think about making sure they are facing the right way and are formed carefully so that they can’t be mistaken for a different number. If you are writing 2 digit numbers you need to check that you have got the digits in the right order so that numbers like 12 don’t look like 21!

Here are some activities that you can download and do at home to help you practise.




School Council Homework

In the next couple of weeks, we are going to be electing our new School Council members. For your homework we would like you to write a speech, with your grown ups, to present to the class about which school council you would like to be part of and why you should be elected.

The school councils we have are:

  • Worship
  • Fun and Games
  • Eco
  • Teaching and Learning
  • Healthy Helpers

Haughmond Class Work

Hi Haughmond Class!
Just to let you know that Mrs Johnson has uploaded some lovely activities for you to complete at home onto your class Teams. You will need to log in using the account details given to you by school. Once you are logged into your teams, you need to click on ‘Teams’ on the left had side and make sure you are on ‘Haughmond’ in order to find the correct channels for your work.
We hope you enjoy the activities.
Miss Lloyd-Jones

Homework – 17.9.2021

This week I have uploaded some activities related to the Place Value learning we have been doing in maths. To access the activities you need to use the Twinkl Go website at and enter the access code WS4627. There is a representation activity and then two quizzes: Place Value within 50 for Year 1 and Place Value within 100 for Year 2, although you can do both if you want to!

Homework – 10th September 2021

This week I would like you to re-familiarise yourselves with Reading Eggs. Spend some time exploring the site, playing some games, and if it says you need to complete a placement test, please do that. If you don’t have your login details anymore, let me know and I will print them off again.

If you would like something else to do, you could carry out the same investigation as we did with the trees in Science. Remember you need to put a white sheet or similar underneath the branches before you shake them so you can see what falls out.

Remember to keep up with your daily reading and practising your spelling words.

Home Learning

Good morning Haughmond and Happy New Year!

Last night I e-mailed each of you your usernames and passwords for Microsoft Teams. If you haven’t done already you can either download this as an App or just access it online.

Each day this is where I will be putting your learning, and also where we will be able to have some meetings as a class. All of the adults who work in Haughmond will be using our class Team too, so we will all be there to help you with what you are doing.

See you on Teams!

Mrs G.

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