I have set a TTR challenge, Year 4 v’s Year 5
Please spend some time on TTR and SPaG Monsters
Also remember to read your reading book and complete your reading diary.
Thank you
Mrs Quigley
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I have set a TTR challenge, Year 4 v’s Year 5
Please spend some time on TTR and SPaG Monsters
Also remember to read your reading book and complete your reading diary.
Thank you
Mrs Quigley
Please look out of your window to find the moon each night for the next month- shade the circles to keep a track of the phases of the moon!
The following homework is for the rest of December.
Year 4 – Multiplication revision booklet
Year 5 – Moon Diary
Usual daily tasks of reading, TTR, SPaG monsters, twinkl games
Ancient Pottery sheet – complete the sheet and then have a go at designing your own Greek pottery
Ultimate times tables sheet 4
We hope you enjoyed out Ancient Greeks Day on Monday! To follow up our Museum in a Box artefact session we want you to look at these Ancient Greek Pots, answer the questions at the top of the page, then design your own pots!
Please find attached the homework sheet for Year 5 and Year 6 (Year 4 homework will be sent separately!)
The sheets will be stuck into homework books and sent home.
Continue with your TTR and reading everyday.
Complete the x table sheet and the word search, linked to Greek Gods, this will help you with your History lesson next week.
Two maths sheets were given out to the children today for them to complete.
Ultimate times tables sheet and Roman Numerals sheet
Please also remember to go on TTR or the Twinkl x tables games for 15 mins each day.
Any questions please ask.
Thank you
Mrs Quigley
Children now have log ins for a range of websites which all help with their learning.
The log ins are in their homework book or reading record.
TTR – x table practise
SPaG monsters – Spelling, punctuation and grammar activities
Twinkl maths app – Fluency games
Reading eggs – Phonics and reading activities
Please help your child to access these safely at home.
Thank you
Mrs Quigley
Please read your book for at least 20 minutes a day and complete your reading record.
Please log in to TTR and practise your times tables every day.
(Log ins are in homework book)
Two TTR tournaments in play.
Year 4 vs Year 5
Year 5 vs Year 6
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