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Year 3 Visit to Birmingham

On Tuesday 5th June, Year Three visited Birmingham. First, we went to Singers Hill Synagogue, which was amazing! We learnt lots about Jewish life and why a synagogue is such a special place. After that, we had a walk through Birmingham city centre and some of us were really surprised at how different it is to Bomere Heath and Shrewsbury. Lastly, we visited Birmingham Museum and Art Gallery to take part in an Anglo-Saxon archaeology workshop. We found out about the Staffordshire Hoard and took part in some archaeological activities, such as soil testing, metal detecting and cleaning artefacts. In the words of Leon, the day got a “five out of five star” review!


Science Day!

Today we have been enjoying Science Day. We have taken part in lots of different activities including:

Making slime to explore changing states

Creating cress heads to learn about plants

Making colour spinners to find out about how we see colour

Testing the materials to make an astronaut’s nappy to learn about absorbency

Tea Party – 18th May

To mark the upcoming wedding of Prince Harry and Meghan Markle and celebrate British Values, we will be holding a Tea Party on Friday 18th May.

Parents should provide a small plate of party food for pupils to eat and share at the tea party!

Pupils should make a special crown for homework and bring it into school ready for the celebration!

Pimhill class will be on a school trip to Cosford on that day, so will not need to bring a plate of food, but they are still encouraged to make crowns for the special day!


This term Stiperstones Class will be learning about the Anglo-Saxons, Vikings and Scots. We will be finding out all about the impact they had on Britain and how they helped shape our lives today.

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