Grinshill summer term – Timetables and knowledge organisers

Welcome Back!

This term looks like it will be another full term with lots of great learning.

Class Timetable

Grinshill Summer 2023

Overview of the Term

Parent overview sheet planning summer 2023

Knowledge Organisers

Grinshill collage Gauguin

Summer term year 3 Light

summer term year 3 plants

DT Grinshill Electrical Control (1)

Geography Grinshill Rivers Canals and Disaster Summer 2023

Knowledge Organisers

Geography Grinshill Rivers Canals and Disaster Summer 2023

Grinshill Summer 2023

Grinshill collage Gauguin

Summer term year 3 Light

Grinshill – Online Safety

Summer Grinshill – Creating Media Desktop Publishing

summer term year 3 plants

DT Grinshill Levers and Linkages

LKS2 – What is it like to follow

Thomas Telford

LKS2 – Why do Christians call the day Jesus died Good

PE – Our days are THURSDAY and FRIDAY

Please as always, send your child to school in PE kit on those days.

Named uniform and bottle of water each day.

Thank you

Mrs Roberts