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Competition – Fiction Express

Fiction Express have a competition for young writers to complete a story that has been started by one of their authors.

The CLOSING DATE is very soon THURSDAY 30th APRIL 2020

You must email any entries to me as they have to be submitted by class teacher.

Have a read of the link with the start of the story and see what you think.

Category a – born between 2010 and 2012.

Category b – born between 2007 and 2009

Have a try!

Good luck guys! 🙂 I look forward to sending off your stories.

Mrs Sallie Roberts

Deputy Headteacher

Fiction Express explanation



Fiction Express

We have been given a free trial for this website Fiction Express). You can login and read books then complete comprehension style questions or quizzes.

You can select the level from the available books that is right for you. I suggest starting at level 1. These texts are more difficult that reading eggs/ express.

Read each chapter, answer the questions, then vote for the next chapter. If you get up to date with the book the voting is live. (It looks like books start on a Monday and then release a new chapter each day)

I cannot load everyone’s login details here for obvious reasons, but if you would like your details please email myself on the following:



Wednesday 1st April

Good Morning!

Happy April Fools Day!

Please let us know if you played a prank on anyone, was it funny? Did they think it was funny?

NHS Nightingale have put out a request for cheerful, happy pictures made by children    to decorate the walls of the new hospitals that are being built. Once you have completed your drawing please send it to the nurses on the following email:


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