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Thank you!

Sorry that some parents did not see the board on the playground last Tuesday to say thank you for my lovely Christmas gifts.


Thank you so much for all the lovely Christmas present that I received from you, they were very much appreciated.

Thank you and Happy New Year!

Kindest regards,

Mrs Roberts

Grinshill Class Spring Term Topic

Spring 2020 Frozen Planet


Happy New Year!

This term our topic is ‘Frozen Planet’. We will be looking in detail at the North and South Poles. We will look at the people, food and animals that live in Antarctica and The Arctic. We will look at the brave men and women who have journeyed to the polar regions and famous explorers such as Shackleton and Scott. We will look at the geographical landscapes of these frozen polar areas.

In science we are looking at forces and magnets and later in the term rocks.

In D&T the children will be learning how to make their own warming soups.

In English and maths we will continue to follow the spiral curriculum.

It looks to be a very exciting term.




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