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Friday 15th May 2020

Happy Friday Haughmond!

We’ve made it to the end of another week and again I’ve been really impressed with how hard you are working.


Today is challenge day for Maths and you can access the activity in one of two places:

Year One: White Rose or BBC Bitesize

Year Two: White Rose or BBC Bitesize


As it is Friday, ask a grown up in your house to test you on your spellings and then you can start to learn your new ones.

Year One, today you are writing the end of the story: Lesson Five

Year Two, you are going to be writing a setting description of Mount Merapi: Lesson Five

Have a good day and a lovely weekend,

Mrs G.

Thursday 14th May 2020

Good Morning,

Well done on all your hard work so far this week. You’ve got two days left on the TTR battle. Can you help your team win?


Year One – Comparing number sentences – Video                                                                                                                                  Thursday Activity Y1

Year Two- Number bonds to 100 – Video                                                                                                                                   Thursday Activity Y2


Year One, today you are going to be starting to write a story: Lesson Four

Year Two, you are going to be identifying and using commas in a list: Lesson Four

Keep up the good work,

Mrs G.

Wednesday 13th May 2020

Good Morning,

I thought I would start this morning with an idea for an activity. In my house we have got a Wishes Jar. In our jar, whenever we think of something we would like to do but can’t at the moment, or that we are missing, we write it down on a piece of paper and pop it in the jar. Then, when lockdown is over we are going to take the pieces of paper out of the jar (not all at once) and do the things that we wrote down. The things that you write don’t have to be big, but are just a reminder of the things that we enjoy doing but can’t. In our jar we have things like walking up a mountain, going on the Severn Valley Railway and of course getting myself a Starbucks! Maybe you could create a wishes jar with your family?


Year One -Addition and subtraction word problems (crossing 10)- Video                                                                                                                                  Wednesday Activity Y1

Year Two- Subtracting 2-digit numbers – Video                                                                                                                                   Wednesday Activity Y2


Year One, today you are identifying and writing questions: Lesson Three

Year Two, you are going to be learning about setting descriptions: Lesson Three

I would also like you to be making sure you keep your reading skills going, so if you can, spend some time on Reading Eggs today too.

Have a good day,

Mrs G.

Tuesday 12th May 2020

Good Morning,

I hope you all had a good day yesterday.


There has been a good start to this week’s tournament. Remember, if you want to try something different you have got access to Numbots too.

Year One – Subtraction with 20 (crossing 10) – Video                                                                                                                                   Tuesday Activity Y1

Year Two- Adding 2-digit numbers – Video                                                                                                                                    Tuesday Activity Y2


Year One, today you are using story maps to help memorise The Tiger who came to Tea: Lesson Two

Year Two, you are continuing to retrieve information from chapter two: Lesson Two

I would also like you to be making sure you keep your reading skills going, so if you can, spend some time on Reading Eggs today too.

Have a good day,

Mrs G.

Monday 11th May 2020

Good Morning,

I hope you have all had a good three day weekend. At my house we did lots of playing in the garden and got the paddling pool out. We also had a barbeque, which was going well until it started to thunder!

This week I’ve set up another TTR Battle for you, and we have gone back to Year One versus Year Two. The score in year group tournaments is 1 – 1. Who is going to take the lead this week? The only other part of TTR that I want you to look at this week is the Garage. This section is automatically set to your level after you have done the Gig test the first time you enter the Garage. I know some of you haven’t yet completed this part of it, but stick with it as completing it means that the garage will be set to your personal level.

For Maths this week things have changed a little bit. You are still going to be doing the lessons from White Rose, but I will be giving you two links. One for the video and one for the activity.

Year One – Adding by making 10 – Video                                                                                                                                   Monday Activity Y1

Year Two- Adding and subtracting 10s – Video                                                                                                                                    Monday Activity Y2

In English you are continuing with Oak National Academy.

Year One, this week you are looking at another brilliant book; The Tiger who Came to Tea by Judith Kerr. Today you are listening to the story and then answering questions about it: Lesson One

Year Two, you are continuing your learning about The Firework maker’s Daughter. and will today be retrieving information from chapter two: Lesson One

Remember as well to keep practising your spellings and handwriting.

Something else that I have seen that you might like to watch and do is a Let’s Go Live lesson with Maddie Moate and Greg Foot about Planting Tomatoes and Potatoes

Today’s story recommendation is Under the Same Sky

Keep up the good work,

Mrs G.

Friday 8th May 2020

Good Morning Children,

As you all probably know, today is the 75th anniversary of VE Day. I was in school yesterday and we planted a tree to commemorate the day in the star flower bed outside our classroom.

I also know that a lot of you are doing things to celebrate the day at home. It would be lovely to see some pictures next week. At my house we have been making bunting and flags and will be having a tea party this afternoon.

So, today I’m not setting you any English or Maths, but if you would like them, on Twinkl there are lots of VE day crafts that you can have a go at.

Have a fab weekend,

Mrs G

Thursday 7th May 2020

Good Morning,

The end of the week is already here! It has been really good to speak to so many of you this week and hear about everything you have been up to.


Year One you are adding and counting on within 20: Thursday’s Lesson

Year Two, you are adding and subtracting: Thursday’s Lesson


Year One you are learning to describe a character’s personality: Lesson 4

Year Two you are going to be exploring expanded noun phrases: Lesson 4 


Today there is also an activity on BBC Bitesize about the parts of plant that I thought would be a good one for you to do as part of our learning about plants.

I know that some of you have got some really exciting things planned to celebrate VE Day tomorrow, so I hope you all have lots of fun and a fabulous three day weekend!

Take care,

Mrs G.

Wednesday 6th May 2020

Good Morning,

Well done on all your hard work so far this week.

I’ve set up a new battle for you on TTR. We’ve going for boys against girls this time. Boys, the girls have topped the leaderboard for both year groups every week, so you have really got your work cut out to beat them. I have every faith in you though!

Today in maths Year One you are learning about addition: Wednesday’s Lesson

Year Two, you are learning about related facts: Wednesday’s Lesson


Year One you are learning about character description: Describing the dragon

Year Two you are going to be looking at the key features of the character descriptions: Lila and Lalchand

Have a good day!

Mrs G.

Tuesday 5th May 2020

Good Morning,

Well done to everyone on your efforts with TTR yesterday, one more day on your normal training and then your new battle will start tomorrow.

Some of you might be starting to see your seeds starting to grow; certainly the cress. When you create your picnic sandwich for DT, you could think about using your cress or lettuce in your design.

Maths today is lesson two from week three on White Rose.

Year One you are learning about how addition and subtraction are linked: Tuesday’s Lesson

Year Two you are learning to compare number sentences: Tuesday’s Lesson

For English, Year One you will be using story maps to learn the story of St George and the Dragon: Tuesday

Year Two you will be continuing to learn about making inferences: Tuesday 

This afternoon have a go at part of one of the activities on your grid.

Have a good day!

Mrs G.

Monday 4th May 2020

Good Morning Haughmond and Happy Star Wars Day,

May the Fourth be with you!

I hope you’ve had a good weekend. We were very glad that the rain held off in Market Drayton so we could get outside again.

Well done to everyone in the TTR battle last week and a massive wow to Lara who scored a very impressive 5,750 points for Year Two! This week I am going to set the battle from Wednesday, so today and tomorrow I would like you to practise your normal training.

In Maths we are now on Week Three in the White Rose activities.

Year One, today you are looking at part whole relationships, which lots of you are reall good at anyway so it will be a bit of revision to keep in fresh in your mind. The link is here: Monday

Year Two, you are looking at addition and subtraction facts to 20. Like Year One, this will be some revision, but I know you are all quicker at adding than subtracting so I know it will be useful for you to do. Your link is here: Monday

For your English, we are again going to be use the National Oak Academy like last week.

Year One, this week you are going to be learning about St George and the Dragon, which will link to St George’s Day which was a couple of weeks ago. Lesson one is learning the story and is here: Monday 

Year Two, you are continuing your learning about The Firework Maker’s Daughter. Today you will be making inferences: Monday

Remember to also keep going with your reading, handwriting and spelling too.

Keep up the good work!

Mrs G.

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