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Waterproof Materials

As part of our Science this half term we have been learning about significant British scientists and inventors. We learnt about Charles Macintosh and waterproof materials. We thought about the floods in Shrewsbury and then investigated different materials to make waterproof outfits for people who have to work in the floods. We then wrote to the Environment Agency with our findings.


Australia Day

On Monday 27th January we celebrated Australia Day in order to raise money for people and animals affected by the bushfires. We learnt all about Koalas and also did some amazing aboriginal style dot paintings!



In our Science lessons we have been learning about inventors and engineers who changed the world. We found out about Alexander Graham Bell and how he created the telephone. We made string telephones and tested them.                   

London’s Burning by Haughmond

In our D&T lessons we have been making models of houses from 1666.

Today, before lunch, we set up our houses close together, like they were in London in 1666. Kris came to help us burn them down like the Great Fire of London.

The burning started slowly but got quicker, and in the end all that was left was some of the wooden frames and a big pile of ash all over the fire area!

Harrison said that it was a “super good” activity and Crystal said that she was “really excited to do the burning.”

Here are some photos of our houses on fire!


Children in Need

Today we have all been learning about the work of Children in Need and some of the projects they support. We began our day by joining in with Joe Wicks’ Big Morning Move, along with 5300 other schools from all over the country, and learnt about some of the projects he has been involved in with Children in Need.


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