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Wednesday 1st April

Happy April fool’s day Pimhill

I hope you are starting the day with Joe Wicks.

Carry on with Education City and Reading eggs.

Look on the Twinkl home learning Hub and complete the maths aged 5-7 both reception and year 1 can complete this.

On the 3-5 page it talks about subitising choose your favourite Numberblock and show how many different ways you can make them.

You can use paper or blocks / lego you have at home. Remember you can watch Numberblocks on iplayer.

Enjoy your day

Mrs Foster


Tuesday 31st march

Good morning Pimhill

Continue with the maths and phonics on Education City and the reading /spelling activities on Reading Eggs

Today she if you can do an extended piece of writing you can choose any topic you are interested in.

Here is my idea.

Have a look at the links a story and PowerPoint about recycling and write some information about how to recycle.

Remember use your sound mats, remember finger spaces. Use a capital letter for the start of your sentence and proper nouns. Use a full stop or question mark at the ned of your sentences.

Read through and check your writing makes sense.

Mrs Foster

Monday 30th March

Good Morning Pimhill

I hope you are starting the day with Joe Wicks, Beth Evie and I are doing the same at our home.

I have added activities on education city and reading eggs for you all to complete during the week.  Last weeks are available to you as I know education had problems with their server.

On Twinkl search for phoneme spotter stories to give you need reading materials.

Reception search for th ch sh ng ow stories

Year 1 e-e i-e o-e u-e stories.

Twinkl home learning 5-7 have maths activities for numbers to 100. Have a go at these Reception you might need some help. If they are too tricky look at the 3-5 activities.

There are also some sorting activities on Science materials on Twinkl home learning and I have linked some education city games to these.

Have a good Monday

Mrs Foster


Good Morning Pimhill

I hope you are starting with Joe Wicks. There is a log to record how many of each activity you do on the Twinkl home learning. Cn you keep a record and see if you can improve each day.

This morning follow the Twinkl home learning phonics Age 5-7 for both reception and year 1 ( don’t forget the activities on education city too)

Maths – doubling and halving  There are activities on Twinkl home learning 5-7 for both reception and year 1. You need to learn your doubles off by heart so see if you can get someone to test you.

You can play ‘number tennis’ you need two bats and no ball. One person shouts a number between 0-10 and pretends to serve the ball. The other person has to say the double and pretend to hit the ball back. Have fast can you return the pretend ball? Don’t forget to test mum or dad!

There is also a story to listen to and activities to go with it.

Hope you have a good day

Mrs Foster


Pimhill Work – Wednesday

Hello Pimhill

I can see some of you have managed to complete the activities on Education city well done.

I will keep them on for the whole week for those that have been doing other activities.

Have a look at the activities on Twinkl home learning hub.

I think all of Pimhill should have a go at the 5-7 activities.

Reception you can  continue with the maths on Education City

(the 3-5  can be done as revision if you want)

Have a go at reading the old toy story and do the activities linked to it.

The worries PSHE activity would be good to see how your child is feeling.

Remember have a go at what you can, choose activities that your child enjoys doing, in Reception we work in short burst of adult led activities and the  children are set challenges to complete on their own linked to what they enjoy playing.

Keep up the good work.

Mrs Foster


Tuesday 24th March

Hello Pimhill

I hope you are all working and playing at home.

There are more activities on Education City but I understand that accessing them can be difficult.

I have looked on twinkl on their home learning hub. They have 3 daily timetables

3-5 5-7 7-11

Have a go at the phonics activities Reception 3-5 years  is revision and 5-7 is new learning Year 1 5-7 is revision and some new learning

The rest of the activities are appropriate to relevant age groups

Reception 3-5

Year 1 5-7

Remember you don’t need to print out work sheets you can just do the writing in your books.

Try to write a little each day and carry on reading with reading eggs.

Take care

Mrs Foster

Pimhill R.E. 24th March 2020

Remind yourself of the Easter story. You could use this video to help

Then, I would like you to create an Easter Card, using some of the symbols we have talked about that show the ‘true’ meaning of Easter. When you have completed your card, think about who you could give it to. If you want to post it to school we can then send it out to brighten up the day for people in the community who might not have any visitors at the moment.

Monday 23rd March

Good Morning!

I hope you’ve all had a lovely weekend.

Today our learning is going to include English, Maths and Science (year 1) and understanding the World (Reception )

Year 1 


  • Practise your new spellings. These are in the spellings section of our class website page. Write a sentence for each word. Remember to think about how you have formed your letters and what punctuation you need.
  • Reading Eggs. I have set you a Storyland lesson, which has a number of different activities to complete.
  • Education City. In the Homework section, click on you phonics city. In there are five activities. One for each day this week. Can you write a couple of sentences with today’s sound in? Remember to think about how you have formed your letters and what punctuation you need.


  • Education City. To start with this week I have set you a small test. Once you have completed it, it will give you some extra activities linked to how you did.


  • Education City. Officially it is now Spring, so it is time to look at the seasonal changes again. There are some sequenced activities for you to complete in the Science City. If you can’t print out the activity sheet, then you can draw the trees on paper or in your book.
  • As some extra, look at the different habitats we have learnt about and draw a picture or do some writing about how they have changed from Winter to Spring. The habitats we have investigated are woodland, coastal and we also looked at the Arctic and Antarctic to see how they change throughout the year.


  • Reading Eggs. I have set you a Storyland lesson, which has a number of different activities to complete.
  • Education City. In the Homework section, click on you phonics city. In there are five activities. One for each day this week. There is also a list of sentences for your adult to dictate to you on the website.
  • Education City This week it is all about counting and recognising numbers. There are some activities for you to play. But get counting around your house. How many stairs do you have? Can you write a number for each 1? Can you put them in a number track? Can you spot a missing/ number if someone removes from your number track? What about if they swap two around?
  • Understanding the World There are some activities about seasons on education city . Can you draw 4 signs of spring you can see from your garden or window?



Keep up the good work!

Mrs Foster

Reception phonics complete one each day

Complete the phonic games on education city for this weeks sounds.

Get someone to dictate the following sentences after each phonic game. Remember to think about letter formation, finger spaces and use your sound mat to help you.

I can wait in the  rain for my train.

I can see the seeds in my pot.

I can zoom  to the moon very soon.

My goat can tug at my coat.

At night I had a fright in the light.

(words in italic can be given)

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