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Get Better at Typing! BBC Dance Mat Typing

One skill that you could develop over the next few weeks is typing!

You may be able to really speed up your typing and get more accurate in just a few sessions on BBC Dance Mat Typing!

There are 4 levels to work through, each of which contains lessons to move you from the easier key to the more tricky ones. By the end of Level 4 (and with extra practice) you should be able to touch type confidently!

Even your grown-ups might enjoy it!

Dance Mat Typing BBC

Wrekin Learning – Friday 24th April 2020

Good morning! It’s Friday! I do hope you have had a good week. The weather has been excellent this week, but it is going to be more cloudy and cooler next week – so make the most of today and the weekend!

Have any of you been growing anything in the garden? I’d love to see it!

Your work today will follow the same structure as the rest of the week:

Have a great day and weekend!


Mr F

Good morning – I hope all is well! It’s going to be pretty hot today! Maybe you could enjoy your Fiction Express work outside with a nice cold juice and an ice-lolly!

Have a fab day, Mr F

Competition – Fiction Express

Fiction Express have a competition for young writers to complete a story that has been started by one of their authors.

The CLOSING DATE is very soon THURSDAY 30th APRIL 2020

You must email any entries to me as they have to be submitted by class teacher.

Have a read of the link with the start of the story and see what you think.

Category a – born between 2010 and 2012.

Category b – born between 2007 and 2009

Have a try!

Good luck guys! 🙂 I look forward to sending off your stories.

Mrs Sallie Roberts

Deputy Headteacher

Fiction Express explanation



Wrekin Learning – Wednesday 22nd April 2020

Good morning – it’s a wonderful Wednesday out there!

Have you been able to use your mobile device/tablet to do Joe Wicks outside yet? Today might be a good chance to do that!

Here are some activities to keep you busy and learning (remember to use your exercise books to write your sentences and science work up!):

Have a good day! I am in school this week with some pupils whose parents are key workers – it is quite quiet, but we are all keeping busy!

Mr F

Wrekin Learning – Tuesday 21st April 2020

Good morning!

I hope you received your Fiction Express passwords yesterday – I think it will be a really good resource – as you will be able to read the chapters of a new books, then vote on what happens in the next chapter! You can do activities and quizzes linked to the book too!

Right then – what shall we do today?

  • Joe Wicks Workout – get those squats and press-ups in early! YouTube – The Body Coach
  • Maths – White Rose Daily lessons (remember to use the Summer Term lessons!) Year 5:  and Year 6: Please do Lesson 2 for your year group (the answers are there and you can copy the work into your exercise books of you cannot print it!)
  • English Reading – Fiction Express  Log onto the website and have a browse around! There is a new book coming out on Friday – we will really focus on that then, but in the meantime, please start to read a Level 2 or 3 book from the list on the home-screen. Start with Chapter 1, then do the activities that go alongside it! I get to see a cool table of what you have read and your scores when I login – so make me proud! You can easily read the books on a tablet or phone outside, so you could enjoy the sunshine whilst getting on with your work!
  • English Grammar – BBC Bitesize Daily Lesson – Modal Verbs This lesson is a good revision for Modal Verbs, including 2 videos then 3 activities to do in your exercise books!
  • Geography – BBC Bitesize Daily Lesson – Settlements Check out this fab lesson from BBC Bitesize (in their new range of online daily lessons). It gives you a video and information about types of settlements, before you have to do an activity in your exercise books!

Keep up the good work Wrekin! I am missing you!


Mr F

Wrekin Learning – Monday 20th April 2020

Good morning and I hope you had a happy Easter (I got a fantastic Maltesers egg; I was very happy!) I hope you managed to have a little chocolate too…

We will continue using online resources to help you continue to learn and keep busy over the next few weeks. We will be using some of the same resources, but we have also found some new one, which will be interesting.

Have a fantastic day! The weather will be good too, so remember to get outside (safely) and get some fresh spring air.

Mr F

Pupil Work Friday 3rd April

Good morning – it’s the last day of term today! That means that I would ordinarily choose the Star of the Half Term…and the winner is…all of you! It has been a really tough and unsettling time, but I have spoken to some of your parents and seen that you are completing some work online and in your exercise books, so thank you and well done!

Today, here are some activities:

  • 9am Joe Wicks (but you can catch up all day!)
  • English – Chester Zoo are hosting some live ‘zoo tours’ today, focussing on different animal enclosures throughout the day They did the same last week, and they were very informative. Watch one of your choice (the timetable is here: Then write a guide to one of the animals – remember to send it in to Mrs Winwood!
  • Maths – Today, I would like you to look at percentages – use White Rose Maths to Year 5 Week 2, Lessons 3 and 4
  • Art – We can’t get out and about at them moment, so I think it would be nice to do some artwork related to a landmark we love! Pick your favourite landmark from around the world, use the internet to find a picture of it and use these tips to draw a wonderful picture:

Enjoy your Easter holiday with your families, best wishes, Mr Field

Wrekin Pupil Work Thursday 2nd April

Good morning Wrekin Class!

I have been into school during the last couple of days – it is very quiet, as you would expect! Belinda is still in cooking those tasty dinners though! If any of you would like to, you could send her a letter or picture – she would love to hear from you!

  • Joe Wicks is still at it! My children have been doing this each day at home – they have even been recording their own fitness workout videos- could you do the same?
  • English – Education City still seems a bit glitchy when I have seen pupils working on it in school, so I will set another comprehension and spelling lesson today – KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK! Lots of you are working hard on your work; it makes me very proud!
  • Maths – I haven’t set online work today – but I would like you to undertake a fun, practical activity which might help you think about happy times! I want you to plan what you would take on a holiday! Use the internet or a brochure you have at home to plan at least 10 items you might take away on a holiday (choose, camping, beach, city or even a polar break!). Remember – you will need good luggage, some clothes, toys and maybe even a new ipod! Write down the prices in your exercise books, and add them up! What if you get a 10% discount? How much will it cost then? What about 25% off?
  • PSHE – I have found this video which is about two boys who were best friends, but one moved away and the importance of keeping in touch – some of you might feel that you are missing friends. Could you write a message to a friend who you are missing to say what you have been up to? You could ask your parents/carers to send it on electronically or by post. Draft a letter in your exercise book, so even if you don’t send it, you can still write down what you want to say to that special friend. Remember to stay safe online if you are sending emails and get your parents’ permission!

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