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Homework – Friday 18th November 2022

Homework is on Discovery Espresso this week, your child has the login in the front of their homework book (we have checked them all)

Maths times tables this week.

Also a column addition worksheet in books.

Hand in by Wednesday 23rd November 2022

Thank you

Mrs Roberts – Class Teacher/ Deputy headteacher

Homework – Friday 11th November 2022


Friday 11th November

You will need to log-in to FICTION EXPRESS (Password is in the front of your book)- read chapter 1 ONLY. Then answer the questions.

Remember if you are reading below LIME use level 1 lite.

You can also click the audio button to listen to the author read while you follow with the text – but you will need to be reading level 1 to follow the author.

The Pampered Prince

Part 2

You will be practicing spellings for this week – in your spelling book.

Part 3

Practice 6 x tables on the following link –

 Please complete any activities on 6 x table we will be testing in class next week.

 Hand in by Wednesday 16th November 2022 8:45am

Thank you

Mrs Roberts

Grinshill Class Teacher and Deputy Headteacher

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