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Homework – Wednesday 25th November 2020

Good Afternoon,


  1. Read the next chapter in our book and complete quiz.
  2. Practise spellings please.
  3. Recite the 3 x tables to your parents and ask them to quiz you. You must answer in less than 3 seconds. We have got quite good in class. 🙂
  5. Can you work out the following problems? Show working out (You can email your answers
  1. Jones picks 3 flowers a day starting on Monday. How many does she have by Sunday?
  2. There are 7 windows on a house. How many windows on 3 houses?
  3. I have 33 cookies and can fit 3 cookies into a box. How many boxes will I need?

Have fun!

Mrs Roberts


Homework – Grinshill Class 11th November 2020

Good Afternoon,


Can I please emphasise how important it is that homework is completed. The reading needs to be done so that the children are ready for the next chapter, which they work on in class the following Monday.

  1. Read chapter 4 and complete quiz.

Frankie Stein's Monster

There have been some issues with Education City, the site gets very busy. With that in mind I have not set homework this week with them.

2. Could the children research some facts about Lyme Regis, linking to our topic on coastal resorts. Minimum of 5 facts each please. You can email them to the office or directly to me. If you have issues with sending this way, please ring the office.



Try your best and have fun 🙂


Mrs Roberts

Grinshill Homework Wednesday 7th October 2020


Thank you to everyone who pointed out the mistake on the Fiction Express quiz. I have written to them and they have sent an apology.

May I also remind parents that homework must be completed by the following Monday. Some children are saying that they don’t have time over the weekend. The homework is available from Wednesday afternoon.

Chapter 2

Galaxy Mega Spinners Chapter 2 read and quiz please

Times tables

Choose any area on the menu on right hand side and practise for test on Tuesday.

x2, x3, x4, x5, x10

Thank you

Extra Task (Only if you have time)

We made a mini volcano in class this week using sand, water and red wax. If you want to have a go at your own that would be great. I would love to see photos.

Have fun!

Mrs Roberts



Homework – Grinshill Class

Sorry this did not go live yesterday, there were some technical issues.

This week we have had a visit from the ‘Happy Lady’ who has asked that we practice three things:

  1. Play the glad game (Your child will explain the rules)
  2. If you feel happy or sad or any other emotion you need to practice taking 5 long, deep breaths.
  3.  Discuss where we feel the emotion. For example if we get angry do we feel it in our feet, hands, tummy etc.


Final chapter – Fiction Express

New book in class on Monday

Times table practice

Test on Tuesday on x2, x5, x10, x3 and x4.

Homework finished by Monday 5th October 2020

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