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Weather in Grinshill

This week we started our new topic in science ‘Weather’. We have bought a weathervane and will be taking daily temperatures and recording how much rainfall we receive. We will be making comparisons to the weather in Egypt as this is part of our topic.

This is our weathervane

Some of the readings we have taken

Thursday 7th November

Friday 8th November

Grinshill Egyptian Art

Autumn Term – Grinshill

Welcome to the Autumn Term,

I would just like to welcome you to Grinshill class and post a few items that you will find useful this year.

Monday – New spellings are handed out. Spelling test from last weeks spellings. ( First week back spellings handed out on Tuesday 2nd September, test on Monday 9th).

Monday – PE – Kit (White t-shirt, black or navy shorts/ skort) will need to be in school (Keep in school in case we need it for drama)

Friday – Homework sent out (This will be either Maths, English, Science or Topic with some times table practise)

Monday, Tuesday or Wednesday – Homework handed in.

Please ensure that all children have a water bottle in class with their name on. You don’t have to have a fancy, expensive bottle, a plastic drinks bottle is fine. BUT PLEASE ENSURE ONLY WATER IS GIVEN TO CHILDREN.

Please ensure your child’s name is on their clothing including PE kit.

Daily – In order for your child to make progress it is helpful if they can do 5 to 10 minutes of reading each day and please log this in their reading journal.

Thank you, I look forward to seeing you all on Tuesday 3rd September 2019

Mrs Sallie Roberts

Class Teacher and Deputy Headteacher

Spelling practise at home

Can I please remind parents that their child should be practising spellings for about 5 minutes each evening. They can use the look, cover, write, check method.

A few minutes a day really does make a huge difference.

Thank you for your understanding and support.

Mrs Roberts

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