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Stiperstones Homework – Friday 27th November for Thursday 3rd December

Hi class,

Spellings – For  spellings please see the Stiperstones spelling page.

Below are the links to Spelling Frame to practise extra spellings if you would like to.

See links below for this:

Year 5 – 

Year 4 –

Reading: Please Remember to be reading to an adult each day. This should be for roughly 15 minutes a time. This is really important and some of you are reluctant to read – but this must be done!

English –  For English, following our work in class this week, this is an activity that will help you use an apostrophe when writing about plural nouns.

Possessive Plural Nouns

If you would also like some more practise with using an apostrophe with singular nouns, I have put an extra sheet below:

Missing Apostrophe Singular nouns

Science – For Science this week, Please can you make it your mission to find out what the word ‘deforestation’ means. Also, do you think you can find out what ‘conservationists’ are?

Like usual, remember to  use TT Rock Stars to work on your times tables.

See you on Monday everyone,

Miss Lloyd-Jones

Homework Friday 20th November 2020 – Due Thursday 26th November

Hi class,

Spellings – For  spellings please see the Stiperstones spelling page.

Once again you can use Spelling Frame to practise extra spellings if you would like to.

See links below for this:

Year 5 – 

Year 4 –

Reading: Please Remember to be reading to an adult each day. This should be for roughly 15 minutes a time. This is really important and some of you are reluctant to read – but this must be done!

English –  For English, following our powerful verb work in class this week, please visit this web page explaining how to use adverbs.

Please access this link above. Like usual, there is a video, activity and you can complete the quiz.

Can you write 10 of your own sentences with verbs and adverbs?

Science – For Science this week, Please can you research into Eva Crane’s work on the life cycle of bees.

Also, remember use TT Rock Stars to work on your times tables.

I am sorry that some of you are having difficulties accessing some of the times tables, we are working on trying to resolve this, please bare with us!

Have a nice weekend everyone,

Miss Lloyd-Jones

Stiperstones Homework Friday 13th Nov Due Thursday 19th Nov

Hi class,

Spellings – For  spellings please see the Stiperstones spelling page.

You could also click on Practice/Test on Spelling frame  which gives a random list of words for your age group. This would be good to practise extra spellings if you would like to:

Year 5 – 

Year 4 –

Reading: Please Remember to be reading to an adult each day. This should be for roughly 15 minutes a time. This is really important and some of you are reluctant to read – but this must be done!

English –  For English, please visit this web page explaining how to use possessive apostrophes

Please access this link above. There is a video and you can complete the quiz.

This will help with our English lessons next week!

Can you write 10 of your own sentences with possessive apostrophes?

Also, remember to keep on top of times tables!

Have a lovely weekend, see you Monday

Miss Lloyd-Jones

Homework Friday 6th November for Thursday 12th November 2020

Hi Everybody

Spellings – As usual, please see the Stiperstones spelling page.

Like before half term, you could also click on Practice/Test on Spelling frame  which gives a random list of words for your age group. This would be good to practise extra spellings if you would like to:

Year 5 – 

Year 4 –

Reading: Please Remember to be reading to an adult each day. This should be for roughly 15 minutes a time.This is really important and some of you are reluctant to read – but this must be done!

English –  For English, I would like you to remind yourself about verbs.

Please access this link above and complete the quiz.

Can you make a brain storm of some of the verbs you can think of?

We also need to remember to keep on top of times tables at

Have a lovely weekend everyone,

Miss Lloyd-Jones

Homework Friday 16th October 2020 – Due Thursday 22nd October 2020

Hi all

I really hope you enjoyed making our clay pots today, I know I did!

As in Mr Field’s class, your extra effort on homework is now going to be rewarded with Class Dojos. Thankyou to everyone who tries their best each week – keep up the good work!

Spellings – this week, I have not set a specific spelling list as we have come to the end of our half term of spellings, but am giving you some revision games:

Play this game (click on Practice/Test), which gives a random list of words for your age group

Year 5 – 

Year 4 –

There are also games on those links to help you practice too!

Reading: Remember to be reading to an adult each day. This should be for roughly 15 minutes a time.

English –  For English, I would like you to begin to think of your ideas for your story you will be writing in class next week. You will be writing your own fantasy story about a toy that comes to life (like in our gorilla book we have been reading in class). Start to think about what animal the toy may be that comes to life and what adventures you could go on together.

We also need to remember to keep on top of times tables at

Have a lovely weekend,

Miss Lloyd-Jones

Homework – Friday 9th October, due Thursday 15th October 2020

Happy Friday Stiperstones!

Here is your homework for this week:


Once again we would like you to use Times Tables Rockstars to practise your times tables.

Science – 

Please can you write a fact file about a chosen type of Invertebrate. e.g. you could write a fact file about arachnids or molluscs! You will probably need to research these further as we did not go into a lot of detail about each category in our Science lesson.


Please continue to read for at least 15 minutes every day, to an adult if possible.


For this weeks class spellings, once again please see the Stiperstones Class Spelling Page.

You should have completed this homework by next Thursday.

Have a good weekend everyone!


Miss Lloyd-Jones

Friday 2nd October, due Thursday 8th October 2020

Hello Stiperstones!

Here is your homework for this week:


Once again we would like you to use Times Tables Rockstars to practise your times tables.

Science – 

I apologise that last weeks Science homework was linked with the lesson that we were not able to do because of Harvest Practise, so this can be completed this week if you haven’t already done it.

See below:

Harry Potters Homework

If you have completed the homework last week, can you try and write a fact file about a chosen type of Vertebrate. e.g you could write a fact file about mammals, reptiles or birds.


Please continue to read for at least 15 minutes every day, to an adult if possible.


For this weeks class spellings, once again please see the Stiperstones Class Spelling Page.

You should have completed this homework by next Thursday.

See you next week.


Miss Lloyd-Jones

Homework Friday 25th September 2020 – Due by Thursday 1st October 2020

Hello everyone!



I would like you to all continue to practise your times tables on Times Tables Rockstars-

You will be having regular times table test with Mrs Norris every Thursday, so having practise tests at home would be helpful.

Science – 

Still linking with our Science topic of ‘Classification’ and with the knew knowledge you have about vertebrates from this weeks lesson, this is an activity that asks you to help Harry Potter with his science homework!

Harry Potters Homework


Please continue to read for at least 15 minutes every day, to an adult if possible.


For this weeks class spellings, once again please see the Stiperstones Class Spelling Page. I apologise for the mistake last week!

You should have completed this homework by next Thursday 1st October.

See you next week.


Miss Lloyd-Jones

Friday 18th September – To be completed by Thursday 24th September 2020

Hi Stiperstones Class!

Once again we will be setting online homework. This will be regularly now every Friday.

Please remember to let school know if you have lost any log in information that you may need.


Once again  I would like you to all practise your times tables on Times Tables Rockstars-

You will be having regular times table test with Mrs Norris every Thursday, so remember to please try to speed yourselves up!

Science – 


Please conduct some research (use the internet or books if you like) to try to find out what ‘vertebrates’ are. I will give you a clue, they are a class of animal! 

This links with our Science topic of ‘Classification’ and this knowledge will help you with our Science lesson next week.


At least 15 minutes every day please, to an adult if possible.


For this weeks class spellings, once again please see the Stiperstones Class Spelling Page.

You should have completed this homework by next Thursday 24th September.

Have a lovely weekend.


Miss Lloyd-Jones

Stiperstones Class Homework Friday 11th September 2020

Hi Stiperstones Class!

As you know, we will be setting online homework this term, there will be a variety of different activities over the coming weeks to support your learning in class.

Please let school know if you have lost any log in information that you may need.


I would like you to all practise your times tables on Times Tables Rockstars-

Please try to speed yourselves up!


Please complete the following activity. This will support our class English work. Please not that if you do not have a printer do not worry, you can write the sentences on a piece of paper!

Writing Expanded Noun Phrases Activity Sheet


At least 15 minutes every day please, to an adult if possible.


For this weeks class spellings please see the Class Spelling Page.

You should have completed this homework by next Thursday 17th September.

I look forward to seeing you next week!


Miss Lloyd-Jones

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