Coleslaw Homework

We have had great fun today making our Jubilee coleslaws (pictures will be on our Haughmond News page). Most of us have managed to save some to bring home for our families to taste too!

For homework, I would like you to taste test your coleslaw with your family. I would like you to find out and record what other people thought about the appearance, texture, taste and smell of your coleslaw. Record what they said and bring it to school after half term so you can use their comments in your evaluation.

Also, please take a photo of yourself (and others) eating your coleslaw and e-mail it to the school office or Mrs Gregory so that they can be added to your DT books.

Jubilee Videos

In Haughmond this week we have been learning the National Anthem with Makaton signs. The children have said they would like to be able to keep practising and share this, and the decades dance we have joined in with, with you at home. The links for both videos are below.




















Grinshill Class _ Design Technology Project

This term the children have been designing their own pyramids in their books and using Computer aided design.

Next week, they will be making their designs. They have each chosen what they want to make it out of. So, they will be asking you for some items.

If anyone has any spare cardboard could they please bring into class before Friday.

Kind regards

Mrs Roberts