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Grinshill Class – Welcome back to school

Autumn 2020 hills mountains and coasts

The link above shows what we will be covering in Grinshill this year.


Good Morning Everyone!

It is so lovely to welcome you all back to school.

The staff and I are very excited to be welcoming you back to school.

Key Information for Grinshill Class:

  • Start 9.00am Key stage 2 playground – Handover and temperature check- Prompt drop-off as other classes will be waiting to welcome their children.
  • Finish 3.10pm Key stage 2 playground (Collection prompt please)
  • PE days – children come to school in PE kit – Monday and Friday commencing 7th September 2020
  • NO BAGS (If possible) IN SCHOOL
  • Water bottle/snack (Healthy), packed lunch (If not having school dinner) and coat only in cloakroom.
  • Any money for lunches in an envelope and put in post box outside office – please DO NOT give money to children.

Our topic this term is coasts, hills and mountains. I am hoping to take the children on a trip after half term to a coastal resort possibly Barmouth or Fairbourne. This will be dependant on COVID 19/ DFE regulations. Maths and English will be taught in a mastery style to ensure a deeper understanding and fluency for the children.


We will be limiting the amount of books leaving school so homework may be online. If your child has issues getting online I need to know as soon as possible. Homework will be listed on the homework page on this website – Normally this goes out on a Wednesday due in on Friday.


These will be printed each week on the website spelling page, please use this to practise with your child for at least 5 minutes per day to become fluent. Spelling books will not be going home. Spellings will be issued to children on a Monday morning and will be tested the following Monday.


I expect children to be reading for a minimum of 15 minutes 5 days per week. This will ensure progression.

Thank you for supporting your child this year in Grinshill

Best wishes

Mrs Roberts

Class Teacher/ Deputy Headteacher


A Minute’s Silence – A Tribute to NHS Workers

In school, we will be holding a minute’s silence to remember the bravery and pay tribute to the NHS workers who have sadly died during the virus pandemic.


We will be holding the silence at 11am, but if you can’t do it then, you could do it with your family later today.


For more information, click here:

Fiction Express Competition – Rules

The submitted works must have a minimum 1 page and a maximum length of 2 pages of A4. The text should double spaced, using Times New Roman font, size 12. Presented in Word document format and must be written in English.
The Word document should specify the full name of the author, teacher full name, the title of the story, the name of the school and the school have a native level. Participants can download the Word template which has all of the required information specified.

Please fill in your details at the top of the page and send to school by 30th April.

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