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Friday 1st May 2020

Good Morning Haughmond and welcome to a brand new month!

It has been lovely that over the last two days I’ve had so many e-mails, photographs and copies of what you have been doing at home. I am still very proud of everything that you are all doing and seeing what you’ve done always brightens my day. I will be putting some photos and pictures onto our news page so you can see what your friends are up to as well.

For Maths today I would like you to complete lesson 5 on the White Rose website. As with last week it is challenge day and if you can’t access the activity on White Rose, they will also be available at BBC Bitesize. The links for White Rose are here:

Year One      Year Two

It’s the last day of the TTR battle, and I’m giving you until this evening to get as many points as you can for your year group. The gap is closing Keep battling! 

English, again, is a continuation of the lessons you’ve been doing this week.
Year One your lesson is the last one on Sam’s Sandwich and can be found here: Lesson 5.

Year Two your lesson is to write a set of instructions and can be found here: Lesson 5

As it is Friday, you also need to ask someone in your house to test you on last week’s spellings before starting to practise the new ones.

This afternoon, the Sealife Centre in London are doing a live session about their penguins. A link to it, along with some extra penguin related activities can be found down the page on the Twinkl home learning hub here: Twinkl Hub

I hope you all have a good weekend,

Missing you all,

Mrs G.

Thursday 30th April 2020

Good Morning Everyone!

Well done on all your hard work so far this week. Keep it up! I hope you are enjoying the new types of lesson.

For Maths today I would like you to complete lesson 4 on the White Rose website. For both year groups you will be carrying out problem solving activities. The links are here:

Year One      Year Two

Please also keep up with your excellent efforts on TTR. Last time I checked, Year Two were still in the lead but Year One were closing the gap! Please remember the other parts of the website though too. Only 6 of you have attempted soundchecks and 8 of you haven’t had a go at the Garage or Studio sections.

If you feel like practising your addition and subtraction skills, remember you can have a look at Numbots too. 

English, again, is a continuation of the lessons you’ve been doing this week.
Year One your lesson is about writing instructions and can be found here Lesson 4

Year Two your lesson is about adverbs and can be found here: Lesson 4

As well as this, remember it is important to keep practising your handwriting and spellings, along with keeping reading using either the Oxford Owls website or Reading Eggs.

If you want a longer story to listen to on Audible, they have now released the Harry Potter books for you to listen to for free.

Have a good day,

Mrs G.

Wednesday 29th April 2020

Good Morning,

What miserable weather we’re having now! I hope the sun comes back soon!

I’m really pleased that most, if not all of you have had your seeds. It was lovely to see the pictures of many of you planting them.

Thank you for sending me your music Gabbi, well done for making your instruments and working on rhythm and beat!

The TTR Battle is going well, Lara you really rose to the challenge yesterday. Your total points count for over half of the Year Two score and Year Two have now taken the lead! Can you claim your lead back Year One to be winning at the half way point?

Maths today is the third lesson on White Rose:

Year One you are working on Quarters again.

Year Two, you have Calculations with Length.

In English you are going to be doing lesson 3 of the learning you have done so far this week.

Year One –

Year Two –

Please could you all also spend some time on Reading Eggs today too.

My story recommendation today is The Fabulous Pie because, well, it’s about pie! You can find it here: The Fabulous Pie

Have a good day,

Mrs G.

Tuesday 28th April 2020

Good Morning!

Well done to everyone who took part in the TTR battle yesterday. Jess, you’re storming it! Well done! Year One are winning, can they increase the lead or can you catch them up Year Two?

Thank you to Dom for my letter and picture, it was lovely to see. Serena, the handwriting you sent yesterday was also excellent!

Today your maths task is to complete lesson 2 from the White Rose, again following yesterday’s link. Year One, today you will be looking at finding quarters, and Year Two are ordering lengths.

English – you are going to be doing the second lesson from week one of the learning you started yesterday:

Year One –

Year Two – 

Please also keep practising your spellings. You can use these as a good opportunity to practise your handwriting.

Missing you all,

Mrs G.

Monday 27th April 2020

Good Morning Haughmond,

I hope you all had a good weekend and enjoyed the nice weather.

This week we are going to continue to look at a few different ways of doing things.

For Maths you have the link for the Week 2 of maths on the White Rose website, remembering to only do one lesson a day please.

Year One you are starting the week looking at fractions, beginning with halves –

Year Two, today you are going to be comparing lengths –

I have also set up another Battle for you in TTR. Year One against Year Two. Every week so far Year One have spent more time practising than Year Two, so can you beat them this week Year Two? Remember to keep practising the other parts of the website as well as just battling.

Year One I would like you to look at the phonics live lessons that Mrs Foster put a link to in our news page last week. Year Two, you can also have a go, but for most of you it will just be revision of what you already know.

Please could you all also use the link on that post to look at some of the reading books. You can do this alongside carrying on with Reading Eggs.

For the rest of your English this week, we are going to be using week one of the lessons on Oak National Academy. These will follow a sequence, so if you miss a day you will need to complete the previous day before moving on.

Year One: 

Year Two:

For your other activities, have a look at your activities grid and pick something from that to have a go at.

Keep up the good work!

Mrs G


Get Better at Typing! BBC Dance Mat Typing

One skill that you could develop over the next few weeks is typing!

You may be able to really speed up your typing and get more accurate in just a few sessions on BBC Dance Mat Typing!

There are 4 levels to work through, each of which contains lessons to move you from the easier key to the more tricky ones. By the end of Level 4 (and with extra practice) you should be able to touch type confidently!

Even your grown-ups might enjoy it!

Dance Mat Typing BBC

Friday 24th April 2020

Good Morning Haughmond,

We’ve made it to Friday!


It’s the last lesson of the week on the White Rose maths today. Friday will be challenge day and it is linked to the BBC Bitesize lessons. This means that if the link doesn’t work on White Rose, you will also be able to access Year One here and Year Two here.


Today you need to ask someone to test you on the spellings you’ve been practising over Easter. Your next ones will be put onto the website for you to start learning today.

You are going to be using Twinkl for your English lesson again, as they are doing another English lesson based on the seasons. Today’s story is ‘Brenda’s Boring Egg’ and has two sets of activities to accompany the lesson.


Bitesize have also got another lesson I would like you to look at today. It is based on thinking about and understanding our emotions and I think it will be particularly useful at the moment when things in the world are feeling strange. The lesson is at:

My next story recommendation is actually from my Ollie and is The Avocado Baby by John Burningham. You can find a video of it here: The Avocado Baby

Happy learning and enjoy the weekend,

Mrs G.

Thursday April 23rd 2020

Good Morning!

We’ve had a lovely few days in Market Drayton, so been able to go for some nice walks and out on our bikes. I hope you are making the most of the weather too.


Well done to everyone working hard on TTR. I can see how well you are progressing and am really pleased! Remember to try and spend 15 – 20 minutes each day practising.

As with the other days this week, your Maths is on Monday’s link. Lesson four today please.


You’ve got today and tomorrow to make sure you’ve completed this week’s phonics lessons on Education City, before their time runs out. Try and complete them – 5 of you have already completed all those tasks – well done!

This year we’ve thought a lot about the seasons in Science. Today, on the Home Learning Hub, Twinkl are using a story called ‘Little Acorns’. I would like you to listen to the story and then complete the activities that go with it. I know you can write some brilliant poetry!

Today’s Audible recommendation is The Reluctant Dragon by Kenneth Grahame.

Have a good day,

Mrs G.

Wednesday 22nd April 2020

Good Morning Haughmond!

Today, firstly remember to keep up with your daily tasks.

Sam, thank you for your picture of you and Indi. I can tell you spent an hour working on it, it’s really good!

I have changed the training on Times Tables Rockstars a little bit, so it will now do automatic training and take you through levels when it is sure you are completely secure with the previous one.

For the rest of your Maths learning today, it’s lesson 3 on the set I gave you on Monday.

For English, today will be your second lesson about the Magic Faraway Tree. Please remember when you are writing to try and get your handwriting spot on. If you need to practise your handwriting a bit more, try and find the link I gave you before the Easter holidays.

Your lessons today are at:

Year One:

Year Two:

Happy Learning!

Mrs G.

Tuesday 21st April 2020

Good Morning!

Wasn’t it a lovely day yesterday? Remember to try and get outside in the garden when the weather is nice and make the most of it. You never know when the rain might come again!

Thank you for sending your nature picture to me Gabbi, it’s fab! I will put a picture of it onto our News page so that everyone else can see it too.

Keep going with all your daily activities.

For Maths today I would like you to go back on the link I gave you yesterday and complete lesson 2.

Keep going with Times Tables Rockstars too. I was really pleased when I logged on yesterday morning and could see that people had already been practising. Remember that you can access Numbots too with the same login if you want to have a go at that.

For your English today and tomorrow we are going to be using the BBC Bitesize lessons. Both lessons will use The Magic Faraway Tree by Enid Blyton, one of my favourite childhood books, but the activities are a little bit different, depending whether you are Year One or Two.

Today’s lessons can be found at:

Year One –

Year Two –

There are letters and sounds activities on Education City too.

For your other learning, remember to use the grid of activities.

Have a good day,

Mrs Gregory.

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