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4th October 2019

Friday 4th October 2019 – to be handed in before Thursday 10th October  2019.

Maths: Practise times tables (see inside front cover of homework book). Please practise a mixture up to your 6 times table. We will have a mixed times table text this week.

Topic: Draw and colour a picture of an Anglo-Saxon. What is he/she wearing? (You will need to research this first)

Write a paragraph explaining your drawing.

Reading: Please try and read 15 minutes per day. Parents/carers can you please listen to your child read and comment in their reading diary. This should be brought in every Friday from now on. Mrs James will check your reading diary and fill in your ticks on the competition chart.

Spelling: Practise your weekly spellings for your spelling test on Monday.

Homework – Friday 21st September 2018

21st September 2018 – Hand in BY Thursday 27th September 2018

Maths: Practise times tables (see inside front cover of homework book) We will a have a timed speedy tables next week. In class we have been working on the unit of ‘Number and place value’.
Please fill in the answers on your maths question sheet.

English: Write 3 expanded noun phrases to describe Queen Victoria.

Reading: AT LEAST 15 minutes per day. Parents/carers can you please listen to your child read and comment in their reading diary. This should be brought in every Thursday with the homework book.

Spelling: Practise your weekly spellings.

Homework – Friday 14th September 2018

14th September 2018 – Hand in BY Thursday 20th September 2018

Maths: Practise times tables (see inside front cover of homework book) with a focus on the 4 times table. We will a have a timed speedy tables next week.

Topic: Research Queen Victoria and her family in preparation for our next two Topic lessons. Our next Topic lesson is Tuesday 18th September. Please bring this with you as it will help you with your topic work!

Reading: AT LEAST 15 minutes per day. Parents/carers can you please listen to your child read and comment in their reading diary. This should be brought in every Thursday with the homework book.

Spelling: Practise your weekly spellings.



Homework – Friday 7th September 2018

Homework Friday 7th September 2018 – Hand in BY Thursday 13th September 2018

Maths: Practise your times tables (see inside front cover of homework book).

English: Writing: Write a letter of application for one of the following School Council Committees:

  • Teaching and Learning
  • Eco
  • Healthy Helpers
  • Worship
  • Fun and Games

Voting is NEXT WEEK!

Reading: AT LEAST 15 minutes per day. Parents/carers can you please listen to your child read (minimum once a week) and comment in their reading diary.

Spelling: Practise your spellings

Homework – 18th May 2018

This week your homework is in two parts.

First, I would like you to access Education City and complete the tasks that are on there. They should be accessible on tablet and computer, but please come and tell me if your login doesn’t work, or you have another problem.

Second, next week we are writing our own quest stories. I would like you to start thinking of some ideas of where your quest might take you, who you might meet, and any objects you might need.

Please also remember to keep practicing your spellings and times tables.

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